Saturday, January 12, 2013

The World and the Light

John 1:5,9,11 - And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.

We are starting a study on the Book of John (Life Change Series) in Sunday school tomorrow. After I read the first few verses and looked at the questions for the first chapter, I went back to a comment was made in the study book. It was regarding the world. The word world comes from, in this instance, the Greek word kosmos. It means a variety of things like an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government. The inhabitants of the earth, men, the human race. The ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ. World affairs, the aggregate of things earthly. The whole circle of earthly goods, endowments riches, advantages, pleasures, etc., which although hollow and frail and fleeting, stir desire, seduce from God and are obstacles to the cause of Christ (Strong's Concordance).

The comment was: the world is corrupted by sin, so it is evil, dangerous, futile, temporary. Satan dominates the world; that is, the world of people who are not yet born of God and freed from darkness. The world that God created to be a lovely and ordered ornament became an ugly and strife-torn world order because men rejected God and fell under control of evil.

Believe it or not, much of what we see happening in the world today is dominated by satan. He has such a grip on society. People don't see it or they reject it. Do you really think anyone in their right mind would think they, a good person, could be dominated by satan? Isn't that reserved for murderers, rapists, thieves and the like, they may ask.

When a person is born of Christ, born of the Spirit, not man, and receives the light of Christ in their lives, they also receive truth. This light exposes ugliness and corruption and changes their view on things.

Seeing and knowing all the ugliness through the eyes of Christ helps get us through, although we don't approve of it. We know Who created it, how the world is playing it out and how it will end...for both those who have received the Light and those who have rejected Him.

When I say reject, I'm not just talking about atheists, those of non-Christian faith or those who don't attend church. I'm talking about those who believe that, because they attend church or are a certain denomination, they are believers.  There are plenty in our churches who go because they somehow think that is enough, it makes them good.

A true believer is one who has received Christ in their spirit. God has been able to penetrate the darkness of their hearts with His light. They have made a commitment to follow Him daily, think on Him daily, meditate on His Word, are obedient to what He tells us is true and just, and obedient to His call. Just knowing who He is won't cut it. Unless one truly commits the self to Jesus he has basically rejected Him, which is a very hard word, but backed up by scripture.

It takes commitment to follow Christ. It takes determination, patience, perseverance and willingness to learn, change and be transformed. There should be a difference people can see, whether others like it or not.

This world has allowed itself to believe a lot of stuff is for the good of mankind. Without the light of Christ it will continue to be a lie in their hearts and minds. I'm talking about those issues in society where it would "behoove us" to be tolerant of certain things, embracing diversity, as it were, allowing things that seem to benefit a person because society says it's so. God would disagree on some of those very issues that should be tolerated and supported (abortion, homosexuality, pornography to name a few).

Apart from all the ugliness of the world, God still is working to fulfill the statement that He wishes none to perish. He brought the Light into this world for that very reason. But for the most part the world loves the darkness and is being held captive to satan's lies. And sometimes no amount of truth being told will change their minds without a good shakeup by God Himself. Therefore, there will be two end results some day. A good one, with Christ, and the dreadful one with satan.

Let the true light of Christ into your life for a good end result. The promises for those who do are glorious. It is not about our physical bodies or lives, but our spiritual.

John 1:12-13 - But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

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