Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Awesomeness of Humility

Psalm 19:1-2 - The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge.

I mentioned contemplation several days ago. Contemplation of the true meaning of Christmas, of our Lord and Savior, not the world view of Christmas. It's not about the decorations, it's about our interaction, our relationship with that little baby who will one day be King of the world.

Christmas is about reflecting on what He has done for us. A time to review the days prior to His birth...the miraculousness of His conception, the meaning of it, the humbleness of the birth of so great a figure in this world.

I am drawn once again to the DVD called the Star of Bethlehem (you can see the entire DVD on Youtube! Watch the first 10 minute segment and get hooked...) and again am amazed at the way God aligned everything. No man can explain this miracle away. There most definitely was a Divine hand in it all. If anyone can wrap their head around how even the stars and constellations point to Jesus, maybe, just maybe the idea of a real God desiring of a real relationship with each of us might come about some day. God set them all in place and all the heavens declare the awesome glory of God. His intricate and omniscient wisdom displayed so all can see. Of all creation, though, Jesus is the greatest glory...and the greatest story.

The grandeur and awesomeness of God permeates Scripture. His words point always to His son. From Genesis to Revelation you can be sure that in some way Jesus is seen. It all points to Him because it's all about Him. Period. All about Him. Just like Christmas should be.

Conclusion: He must be Someone of great importance!

Before time began, God knew the beginning from the end. He mapped it out so delicately and with the minutest details, one can only marvel at it all. And He created all that we might see the enormousness of what we cannot understand...that we might believe in Him and trust in His good works done for us. His plan from before the beginning of time was to draw us into relationship with Him and through the birth, life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus, has been described in detail in His Book, in His creation...in His stars...and the Star of Bethlehem which was studied so long ago by ancient astronomers who sought out the One whom they and heard about. And whom they found...by way of that very star.

If God could draw these three magi, can He not draw others? How can one NOT be drawn to this story of redemption? I know I’m not the only one who wants to know to the very depths of my soul how God designed all this just for me. A personal God. If He did it just for me, He'll do it just for you. Wouldn't everyone want to dig into the recesses of their hearts, souls and minds to understand the awesomeness of the depth of God's glorious plan for ALL mankind? To know so well the plan He has laid out and that is there each and every day for anyone to receive?

If there is even just the littlest bit of curiosity, call out...or whisper...for Him to show you. Ask to know that you know who this Jesus is...for you, for your family, for your friends, for the world. If the desire in your heart is real, He will show you.

Jesus was brought to this earth from His throne in heaven. He left the comfort of it that He might come humbly, live humbly, die humbly...and rise up triumphantly to eternal life...as an example to us what we can have if we just look to Him and trust Him. Why would God the Father create all the world, write His book and send His Son if what Jesus did for us was a lie? 

Confess with your mouth...receive the Spirit of life...become one again with the Father. Turn away from what the world believes is truth and enter into the truth of Jesus Christ. Receive Him. Let this be an even more meaningful season...He truly is the reason for this season. Relationship with Jesus can become a most joyful occasion and you might never look at Christmas again the same way. Our God did awesome things, then humbly came down from heaven for you and for me. Rejoice this Christmas at the things He has done. 

Matthew 2:9-10 - ...and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.

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