Thursday, April 8, 2010


Deuteronomy 32:3-4 - For I proclaim the name of the LORD: ascribe greatness to our God. He is the Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, a God of truth and without injustice; righteous and upright is He. 

Sometimes we just won' t be given all the answers to the things of God. If we knew all things there would be no need for Him. He created us for His pleasure and although He makes certain demands of us that seem pretty hard to understand or even foolish to some, they are there for our good, our protection and blessing.

He knows just how much wisdom to give us. God can hold back just because...  Look at the internet. The concept is great but often times not used in the best of ways. God realizes what information we need to know. The other reason is that if God allowed us access to all His wisdom it would be used in inappropriate ways by some people. It just would.

We experienced a great loss this week when our children's pastor died of a brain hemorrhage. She'd been in a coma for five weeks. Although her loss is mourned we have the knowledge and comfort in our spirits that she is with the Lord right now and as promised she is no longer in pain. And yet, as our human nature is, we mourn, we question, maybe even get angry.

The hard part is not understanding why it happened. That right is reserved for God alone. Remember, there is a purpose in all our lives. She served God well in her responsibilities. She was so well loved. And no doubt God said, 
"We'll done, my good and faithful servant." (Matthew 5:21) So why did it end so soon? "[God] knows the plans [He] has for you ..." (Acts 17:11)  Not exactly what we might want to hear at this time but God's plans are always just and right even when we don't understand.

Romans 11:34 - For who has known the mind of the LORD? Or who has become His counselor? Who can understand God? Job contemplated those very questions while he was going through a difficult season of his life. And yet Job proclaimed "Blessed be the name of the LORD." (Job 1:22) As our God who has created all things by His word, how can we grasp the whole concept of Him? Not a thing that He does goes without meaning. And all He asks us to do is trust Him.

So when tragedy strikes we only see the heartache when God sees the whole picture. John 12:24 tells us 
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." I think this can apply to many things. When we choose to give our life to Christ we have chosen to die to the things of this world so that we may live. Christ died so that we may live. When we choose to let go of the things in our lives that are holding us captive, we are dying to self and in God's eyes we have died so that His life, His purpose can take over. It's all a mystery this idea of dying to live. A great mystery. God knows...and to those with enough faith that's okay. It's all about Him, what He will do through all circumstances in our lives, and so little to do with us. Let us decrease that He might increase.

With the passing of a young woman in the prime of her ministry and life, how can we believe that more fruit will be born? God knows. And we are to just trust in the midst of grief. We don't know what great things are awaiting when God brings tragedy into our lives. Other lives may be changed in the process. He is  always working behind the scenes. One incident is reliant on another. It all fits together in God's perfect plan. Right now only God knows what is in store for the family left without a wife and mother. It is up to us to go about our days and continue to look forward and upward waiting for the next plan to take shape. It's hard but we trust.  

God promises to strengthen us throughout it all. He promises to bring comfort. He promises to never leave us. He promises to be our all in all. He is our Rock. He is our Foundation. He is our Redeemer...He will guide us through our trials.

God is in control of all the times and seasons of our lives. He knows the number of our days and is not surprised at what will come next in our lives. But we can have the consolation that when we know that we know Christ, no matter what we go through, we are victorious. We may die on earth but we are then transported into the presence of Jesus. What more could we want? I thank God this family knew all this in advance.

2Corinthians 1:9-10 - Yes, we [have] the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead,  who delivered us from so great a death.

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