As the Bible states, the Word is truth (John 17:17). The words within this Book are God's very words spoken through men by His Spirit for each of us. These words inspire, teach, exalt, transform, excite, prophesy and encourage. They can also convict, condemn...and hopefully by this bring about new life if taken in and absorbed by the reader.
I thought about how I can read some days and get excited because I see just where scripture is speaking of the days we live in. The words that were written thousands of years ago. Timeless words from a timeless God. Nothing surprises me anymore. Disturbs me, but doesn't surprise.
I thought about how the words I read today may not have the same meaning the next time. I may see something new or deeper. There's always an expectation of new understanding, going deeper with God.
I thought about the life-giving words. The promises. When there are hurting people, whether they think of themselves as hurting or not, all around the world, God's Word could bring them comfort.
I thought about how one who does not accept these words rejects God (John 12:48). That's a pretty strong statement coming from Jesus. Missing out on something so extraordinary. God Himself gave us these words. GOD! The Almighty. Our Creator. Our Savior.
I made oatmeal for breakfast this morning. I forgot to add salt; it was awful! After I sprinkled a little in, it enhanced the flavor. Because I was still writing this blog, I thought about salt and God's Word. (Naturally!) It's a very wonderful saltiness! It's been seasoned just right. It's why it is exciting to read, it is palatable!

We are told to taste and see that the Word is good (Psalm 34:8). Salt acts as a does the Word of God. It is also likened to honey (Psalm 119:103). Salty and sweet. It can be bitter, too. Then I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth. But when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter (Revelation 10:10). The bitterness, sadness, destruction comes when we see the results of those not following God, rejecting Him...and His Word...which is there for us to learn from.
We are told to taste and see that the Word is good (Psalm 34:8). Salt acts as a does the Word of God. It is also likened to honey (Psalm 119:103). Salty and sweet. It can be bitter, too. Then I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth. But when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter (Revelation 10:10). The bitterness, sadness, destruction comes when we see the results of those not following God, rejecting Him...and His Word...which is there for us to learn from.
There are prophetic words in the Bible. They were for the people then and for us today. Some words were good, some not. They are in this Book for us to understand life in general, what was, is and will be. We are dead (what was) until we receive God's precious gift (what is) of life. That extends to eternal life (what is to be).
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105) I'm not the greatest for memorizing but God certainly has put into my spirit words I needed to remember. As I write these blogs His Word pops into my head. I believe He/it gives me inspiration.
So...don't know why this popped into my head...
Moses killed a man - Jonah disobeyed and tried to run from God - David lusted after another man's wife and had him killed that he could have her - Gideon was skeptical and reluctant - Paul started out hating and persecuting Christians, then became a strong advocate for Christ -The disciples were not perfect - and Judas delivered Jesus into captors' hands that led to His crucifixion (though it was God's plan, as was the
result of each of these amazing men).
result of each of these amazing men).
I add this I guess to say it shows that those God chose for important roles throughout the Bible were flawed. And there are many others besides these few. So are we all. It's through the Bible we find the stories of these people. It's an encouragement. Though imperfect, most of them knew God, served Him and came to grips with their sin, by God's hand, and their hearts changed and repentance took place.
***We can learn a lot, even identify with some of the people.***
People, listen. Our salvation is not something to be taken lightly. It has life and death consequences. That's all I'm going to say. If you've read any of my blogs you will note an underlying theme. God's Word is truth. It is full. It is sweet like honey, seasoned as with salt, and can be bitter at times. Kind of like life...yet God's Word brings a real life.
Psalm 119:1,9,11,17,25 - Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD! How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Deal bountifully with Your servant, that I may live and keep Your word. My soul clings to the dust; revive me according to Your word.
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