Galatians 4:4-5 - But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
I spent a wonderful few days with an even more wonderful bunch 'o ladies at The Church in Wisconsin annual retreat. Subject matter: Jesus...the betrothal, the bride and the Groom. Everything so wonderfully pointed and points to the love He has for us, His plan for each of us in the here and now, and His grand plan upon His return.
But while everything started in Genesis and ends in Revelation, there was an event about 3/4 of the way through (at least Bible-pages-wise!) that is as important as every other page in the Word of God.
In order to understand and be part of the betrothal, be a ready bride waiting for a very ready Groom, one has to know this Man, our Beloved, our one day Groom. That requires a longing for, seeking of and commitment to this Man who is wanting us desperately to be in relationship with Him. This is spiritually for men and women!
I don't know if this comes together properly but it seems to. Because it's all about our need for a Savior because of our sinfulness. He came to die for us for this reason. He will come again to receive those who have chosen to follow Him permanently. We have to know, though, that we are sinful creatures. We need to know Him. We need to know truth. We need to seek Him, receive Him and follow Him. So....
I don't know if this comes together properly but it seems to. Because it's all about our need for a Savior because of our sinfulness. He came to die for us for this reason. He will come again to receive those who have chosen to follow Him permanently. We have to know, though, that we are sinful creatures. We need to know Him. We need to know truth. We need to seek Him, receive Him and follow Him. So....
The law (Old Testament) was given that we might recognize our sinful natures and the impossibility to keep those laws exactly and permanently. All the sacrifices that needed to be repeatedly done never saved them because man could NOT keep the laws. No works could save them.
Jesus came to fulfill that law (New Testament) in that only He perfectly kept every a Man, not as God...a hard thing to wrap our heads around. Through Him alone we can be set free from our sin. But we must put Him on, as a robe, and take Him in as the Living Water and Bread of Life. His perfect righteousness becomes ours. We put Him on, we put on that white robe of righteousness. We cannot wear our own robes; they must be His. We take Him in by seeking Him through His Word and in prayer, hearing His voice, fellowshipping with like-minded people.
Just like there was a fulfilled time then, that He would come to save us, there will come another fulfilled time when He returns again for those who have received Him, are now saved and have on that robe of righteousness. His children, His people, His bride! Clothed in white! Waiting for the Groom, and the marriage supper of the Lamb, to partake in the glorious feast at His second coming, at the fullness of another time. Hallelujah!
Our sermon this morning added another segment to this...perfection. Jesus was perfect. We receive Him and we are made perfect. It is not an arrogant statement my calling myself perfect because it is He, through my having submitted and receiving Him as Lord and Savior, has done the work. HE HAS DONE THE WORK. He was the ultimate Sacrifice. I did nothing but receive! No good works because I have nothing great to give Him.
How I thank the Lord for His grace and mercy for all people who desire Him. He WILL NOT fail. Nothing but the blood of Jesus can wash our sins away. We can offer nothing. Who else would ever or could ever do that?
A day will soon come when another fullness of time will come. Jesus says He will return, quickly. Now, His timing is not like ours. What 2,000 years seems like to us may be as 2 days. But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (2Peter 3:8) He has promised to return! Times are looking as prophesied. All the evil, wrong thinking and corrupt beliefs will be judged by an Almighty God. I think I will choose to be on His side and avoid the very final judgment. I think I will follow what His Word says about the wrongs taking place in today's lax society. I want to stand on His truth over man's interpretation.
I want to be absolutely ready for His return. I want my mind stayed on Him and not the inconsequential things in this world. I want to watch for His return till either He comes or He takes me away! I want to be the bride adorned in a pure white gown. I want to see that everlasting mansion in the sky. This earthly home is comfortable but won't compare to my heavenly home. All thanks, glory and honor be to my God.
Luke 12:35-37,40 - Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning; and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately. Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
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