Monday, December 1, 2014

The Hem of His Garment

Matthew ‬‭9‬:‭19-22‬ - So Jesus arose and followed him, and so did His disciples. And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment. For she said to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.” But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, “Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And the woman was made well from that hour.

Sometimes God will physically heal, sometimes not. Somehow it doesn't seem fair. I am with the crowd that does not believe those who say healing doesn't occur because one's faith isn't strong enough. We are told if we have faith the size of a mustard seed.... But where does that faith originate? There are mysteries about God and I choose to just believe we cannot know all there is to know about our God unless He reveals it to us. It's trusting in Him and whatever His plan is for whatever the situation is.

This writing is not exactly what I thought it would be!

This woman above had heard of Jesus, probably heard how others had been healed...and she thought that this might be her hope...reaching out to touch the hem of Jesus' garment. She'd been hemorrhaging for twelve years! And to touch the hem of Jesus' garment meant she was at ground level, crawling around the legs of the crowd. She was at her weakest, lowest time in life... I think it's a symbolic message.

Last week I took a friend whose mother, also a friend, is having neurological problems due to illnesses. I had the privilege of taking her daughter, since her car was not working, to be with her mom at a doctor's appointment. The appointment was for treatments to loosen up her arms which are curling tightly to her chest. I tell you this for a reason.

As I sat in the waiting room I recalled a picture at my sister in law's house the day before. It was of this woman who crawled through a crowd to touch the hem of Jesus' garment. She believed with all she had that she would be healed if she did just this. It may have been her last hope. Such faith, as Jesus told her. I suddenly stopped and prayed that these treatments would work...that this friend would be able to stretch her arms, as if symbolically, for her healing. I was also reminded that she IS healed spiritually, praise God.

I've said this often. It's part of the very foundation of life in Christ. There are times we go through difficulties or watch someone else struggle. We cannot control some situations. We have to let it go, as difficult as it can be, and just trust God. He calls us to trust Him always. Trust Him for our illness or others', for circumstances beyond our control, for unsaved friends and family...and be "okay" if we don't see results we long to see. But that in that trust, to know, even if it hurts in this world, when our eternal life is received all tears will be wiped away because there will be no more sorrow. I believe that trusting Him is a great part of faith, and this is what the Lord looks for. Will we continue to walk with Him no matter our circumstance?

With this friend's illness we have to trust God when we don't see answers or solutions. If we are trusting Him there is also some peace about it. Who knows but God what the lessons are to be learned? We always have lessons to be learned.

Reaching out for the hem of His garment might be something He calls us all to do. He called me to reach out to Him in my time of need. I was at a low point. I'd struggled for awhile. Little did I know when I reached out I would be healed spiritually and then came that understanding of who He is, what He can, or will not, do. But that spiritual healing came first.

I thank God my friend herself reached out for Jesus at some time in her life. I thank God her family has done the same. There's comfort in that in the midst of this trial. Again, not all healing is physical, although God is able...but do you still have faith in Him? That's what counts. Is there something where you cannot fathom the outcome? Are you at your wits' end? Do you know Jesus? If not, reach out. He is there. If you do know Him, reach out for His strength, peace and wisdom.mi think we would do well to reach out daily for that hem.

Hebrews 4:16 - Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. 

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