Philippians 2:8-11 - And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
I'm a name dropper. His name is Jesus. I know Him. He's my Lord and Savior. I'm sure you've heard of Him too. But do you know Him like I do?
He's even written a Book. I have several copies. I'd be glad to give one to you. It's been a best seller for hundreds of years. It is a true account. It's sort of history, biography, autobiography. It's interesting, intriguing and enlightening, even filled with mysteries. It's filled with hope. It's worth the read, really. It has a little of everything for everyone.
This Book was written to show us this Jesus I know. It's like He comes alive. And you know what else is amazing? The story about how Jesus died...and yet He lives today. He died for me...He died for you. He was resurrected that we might see what happens to us if we believe in Him and believe in what He did for He was resurrected, how we will be again some day after we die our earthly death...if we choose to know Jesus...and become a name dropper.
Yes, I'm a name dropper. It's because His name is the only name worthy of talking about. He has accomplished more, not for Himself, but for each of us, than any person ever could. We can never be greater than He, nor wiser, nor have more love, compassion and forgiveness. But He's certainly willing to share some of that wisdom, love and compassion with us. And the forgiveness...He's willing to give all He has to any who want it. And while we certainly can be judgmental, His judgment is greater because it can determine where our eternal life will be if we do not heed those judgments, truths.
Oh, the Book He has written speaks of commandments and obedience and sacrifice and death and life, but it's all for good. You see, according to Jesus, we wander like sheep in this world. We are lost because we do not have One greater to follow. Have a problem with following authority? Well, that might be a problem, but He can change that too! We base our lives on things and money and competition, achieving, getting ahead. We feel we must be liked by our friends, approved by our family...always looking for the pat on the back by someone.
In Jesus' world none of this matters. His idea of life says we do not need all those things. What's the saying, less is more? He offers greater spiritual rewards, lasting rewards, things man cannot take away. In fact, He doesn't see one person as greater than another. All He sees are sin filled people living as they desire, doing what they want to do. Some, however, meet Jesus. Someone dropped His name into a conversation (probably more than one person, more than one conversation) and it began to change them. These people were touched by God. They saw the light (of the world). Now these people put a greater priority on loving and serving Jesus than loving and serving man. No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)
Why? Because Jesus has so much more to offer than man. He has the greater wisdom, compassion, love, forgiveness. And when we recognize what He has to offer is better than what the world has to offer, well, we go for it. We take hold of Him. Jesus opens eyes to greater things. He tells the truth and doesn't mince words. He calls sin, sin. And He never changes His mind about it. Sad thing, though, some don't like to hear about their sin so they turn their backs on Him...and turn their backs on real life. They loved the things of the world more. But like I said, He never changes...sin will
always be the sin pointed out in His Book. Cultural or societal changes or political correctness will not change the truth of His Word. Man or God?
But the good news is...there is this Man. The name I've dropped many times. The name that causes people to cringe or squirm, end conversations or get angry. But it's only because they don't know Him like I do, like thousands of others know and thousands more have known. If He could take twelve ordinary men and change them and cause them to propagate His words, He can do the same with anyone. He changed their lives and He can change any life. That sin that one doesn't want to hear about...let me tell you, when He forgives of it, there's no condemnation...just forgiveness. The load is lightened.
Remember I said He died but came back to live and lives today? He lives that you might know Him and through forgiveness of your sins you too can have everlasting life. It seems inconceivable, but it's not. I fought knowing Him. But once that fight was over I wished I had done it sooner. And I am glad I allowed myself to know Him.
About the Book again. It's the Bible. If you want to know this Jesus, don't do like I tried many times! Don't start from the beginning. Start in the Book of John. It will introduce you to this Man, Jesus. You will meet Him, hear Him. If you should get to knowing Him and He gives you His Holy Spirit for added understanding, then delve into Genesis and beyond. But you need to know Him first. Read it slow and read with intent. Ask Him to introduce Himself in a way you alone will understand. He so would like that.
Being a name dropper for the Lord is worth it in the end because you do it for His glory. That may seem arrogant but He has, after all, died for our sins. He carried the weight of sin and guilt on His body when He was beaten, scoffed, bruised and bloodied, and when carried the cross to Calvary and was crucified. He suffered immeasurably for our sins. No one can ever imagine the pain He went through for the sins of the world. And He did it without complaint, in total submission of Himself to His Father, for you...and me...and all people. Yes, I'll drop His name. It's Jesus!
Ephesians 1:19-21 - ...and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.
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