For some reason I think I have more than one thought going through my head...
I can't emphasize worldly enough. We think we understand based on what we learned in school, church, work, counseling or a book. Consider the sources, people. Man or God? Even some churches are allowing the world view into them. Jesus says it's a narrow road... Do we really need more than Him?
A few days ago I wrote that it was said those who persevere in sharing the Gospel would be blessed. Why? Because we are about His business. He is in the business of revealing Himself in many ways but might reveal Himself to a person in a way personalized for that person. Whatever, we who are Christ followers are called to be witnesses, as were the disciples...with the help of His Holy Spirit. Jesus told us: And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14) We plant the seeds or water them but only God is the One who will ultimately make those seeds grow. It will be preached.
We can share the Gospel in many ways: through our own testimony, through preaching or teaching, being servants in this world to win over by our good works given to us when we have received Christ, or even writing. But the Gospel must be preached and this Gospel ultimately brings a different kind of peace.
Yet Jesus said He did not come into this world to bring peace, although He is called the Prince of Peace. Huh?? It's what He said! He came knowing people would be divided over His words. He knew some would not be able to leave worldly things in order to follow Him. He knew this. However, there is the peace that passes all understanding when we choose to let go and follow Him. We have to make a very huge decision for that peace...and it might bring division among family and friends. Jesus tells us: He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. (Matthew 10:40) Therefore, if Christ is not received, we will be at odds with each other even though we might still be talking to each other! But we can know that WE at least have this peace.
If the Word of God is living, it cannot only cause division, it can bring peace. It is water and bread to a thirsty and starving soul. It feeds us the manna that we surely will survive on. And when we are satiated with the truth of God's Word we have peace. Some opt not for that kind of peace.
So then, we are called to come as little children. I've said this many times before. Come without preconceived ideas. Hear the Word and believe it and you will get that peace. There are a couple of places in scripture where Jesus told us to do that. If He says it, it is truth. We cannot argue it if we believe that the Bi ble is the inerrant Word of God. Period. Jesus had this to say about it....“I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes. (Matthew 11:25) The words are hidden from the (worldly) wise and prudent.
In Christ we have a different mind, a different type of thinking.
In Christ we have a different mind, a different type of thinking.
Hear His words as little children. Put off the world view, church doctrine, and listen to Jesus' words. Trust His words over man's. Little children listen and have an innocent understanding. When we mature, we gain way too much WORLDLY "wisdom" and "prudence." Come as little children to meet and see Christ.
There's some controversy lately about a book called Jesus Calling. It is written by a woman who claims God used her to write these words to us. They are, as the title conveys, Jesus' words for us. My question is, what is wrong with the words He speaks to us through the original Word? I personally think God has already used those people He wanted to write His inspired Bible. Do we really need to add to that? I would think it would be enough since it is the truth...and our handbook for life. We should get pricked by the Holy Spirit as we read this Book. What more do we need than the Word of God?
Getting back on track...people can say they have peace but is it a real peace? When we have a trial in our life do we run to Him or do we run to someone or something else? Jesus tells us to come to Him when we are burdened. He will provide the rest He knows how to provide. He won't prescribe a pill, offer you a cigarette or tell you to have a drink to calm your nerves. When you trust in Him alone, He offers the peace and rest for a weary soul that passes all understanding, through Him. But first you have to trust and come to Him as a little child.
You know, and this may seem like an odd thing to end here with, in our church we do not separate the children...and the babes...from the adults. They are not farmed off to be brought up in another environment. They are with their parents and church family learning what church is all about at an early age. They watch and learn from their parents, even while they play or fuss in the pew. As we are hearing testimonies from members of our church, people asking for prayer or an anointed word through our pastor, He is speaking to the little ones also. Their little brains are listening and hearing. Parents will understand that by the darnedest things these kids will say! We are all His children if we come to Him. Why would we want to forbid them from coming to Him? Let them learn the truth at an early age. Let them receive Him at an early age. He tells us not to forbid them to come...
The truth is not always ooey gooey, sweet stuff. Jesus did not come to preach a word that would unite us all because it always sounds good to our ears. He came to pierce our souls. He came to divide the believers of His words and those who want nothing of them. Those who can endure the sound doctrine will endure to the end, those who aren't offended by His hard words, who don't shy away from them. Those are they who will have a different kind of peace...and secure heaven. Those who balk and are divided enough to not want to hear, that's another, not so good, story.
Matthew 19:14 - But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
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