Friday, April 26, 2013


Ephesians 4:4-6 - There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 

There is an account (I don't like to use the word story) about a man named Gideon. He was a godly man and he heard God speak. He and his army were being sent out to fight the Midianites. God told him there were too many in his army to capture this enemy. He did not want all of Israel to proclaim that by their own hand they had defeated Midianites so he had Gideon make the statement that anyone fearful of the upcoming battle could be excused. Twenty-two thousand men left leaving ten thousand.

But God said this was still too large and He narrowed the army down to 300. His instructions were to take these 300 men to defeat the enemy.

God always uses the fewest, the least probable, the mundane, the most humble, the weakest, the persons of least regard to accomplish His goals. There are good reasons for this. One is He receives the glory. Two is to show that He CAN use the lesser people or circumstances to do the impossible...that these people, like the disciples and apostles, will not be able to take credit for what was prove the power of God, to prove His existence. This is not arrogance.

I believe He's doing the same thing in the Church today too. I believe He can take the grandiose mega churches and whittle them down to a God-size that He is able to manage. I'm not saying a large church cannot be effective if they are truly allowing God to do the work; if the pastors are willing to see what He is doing I think they will survive. But there is coming a time when all churches will be called to account for what they do in the name of Jesus. God knows the hearts of the churches and the leaders and people within each church.

This scripture in Ephesians is what the Church should be. One body, one Spirit, one faith, one baptism, one God and each of us. Total unity. When that happens it becomes a church usable by God...and may become part of the last day's remnant church.

This Church will be a church without spot or wrinkle. All the churches that comprise this remnant church will be few in number compared to the rest of the churches. Wide is the road to destruction and narrow the way to life. God tells us this is the way it will be.

There are many in churches today who believe they will see heaven. It's what they've been taught. But is what they have been taught God's truth? Now that's the question.

There is a saying or a song that says God is good, all the time. And the truth is, He is. Even in His judgment He is good. It may seem like He's unfair but He isn't. He has every right to exact judgment to produce right or righteousness. Judgment comes and weeds out the wheat from the tares, which is a good thing for the wheat. Through His judgment we can learn better what is right. That's a good thing also.

I'm sure Gideon was sure wondering how paring down of his army was going to be good. But in the end He saw God's absolute power prevail through 300 men willing to do what they were asked. It's a bit like Joshua when he fought and defeated Jericho by marching and shouting and then watching as the walls fell and they were given access to their enemy. I'm sure that surprised the daylights out of the residents as well as the soldiers. They had to have been wondering what in the world was up. I'd like to see that happen today!

God may seem strange to some, too judgmental to others and even arrogant or self absorbed for the glory He commands of Himself. But you know what? He is worthy of every bit of it. He has every right and anyone who says otherwise is just plain wrong. That's what is going to make the remnant a remnant some day. The few who are willing to follow Him under any circumstance. And that includes churches which soften the messages God brings. The truth of His Word which should not be added to or taken away from. The truth that can sometimes be hard and not what we want to hear. The truth that, yes, Jesus is good, but like He overturned the money changers tables in anger, He can have a righteous indignation against people too.

The road narrows that takes us to life. Let's be sure we are on it. Let's be sure we are hearing the honest truth of His Word. Let us be willing to be poked, prodded, molded and shaped into the person He knows we can be. Let us be vigilant, discerning, humble and flexible enough to change. When we do we will become part of that remnant, those people many will despise, reject and mock. But those who will be at the right place at the right time with the right attitude when He comes for His remnant. Those few, least, humble, mundane and weak whom God has an eye for.

1Peter 4:17 - For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

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