Thursday, January 17, 2013

Against the Grain

Romans 12:2 - And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

I know this subject has been discussed elsewhere. How can it not? Jesus was controversial in His day and when one chooses to follow Him he/she also becomes controversial. He goes against the grain of world thinking. And it can appear to be judgmental. It is not my desire to be judgmental but only to speak that which is against the grain, the truth of God's Word. When we understand His Word we have His knowledge and wisdom.

I have a very, very old t-shirt that references the scripture above. It shows a stream of fish swimming one direction with just one going the opposite way. It says in small print: Go against the flow. One among many, a narrow road, not many who follow it...going against the flow.

I was going in one direction (ahem) with this and veered off in another! My original thoughts were how God asks us to do the opposite of what the world thinks is right. Where did that all begin? Answer: in the Garden. Here's a hard word: the majority of people don't follow God or don't follow Him faithfully or believe that just believing in who He is is probably enough. They basically know right from wrong and do not consider themselves bad people. There's much more depth to all this.

We are told not to conform to this world..this world's view of what is acceptable. Conform is defined by Strong's Concordance as conform one's self (i.e. one's mind and character) to another's pattern, (fashion one's self according to). The word self is the main word. The world is self oriented. What pleases self is what determines who the world is.

When I say I don't like violent movies or foul language in movies, off color jokes or certain demeaning, debasing tv programs...or go as far as being against abortion, homosexuality, immorality...I am going against the world flow. To me, and to others who follow Christ, it is offensive. Why? Because I've had an encounter with Jesus.

So I pretty much go against the grain for many I know. I'm known to be different. There's a price for being different. It's one I wrestle with constantly. I want to be accepted in certain circles but, although I'm not utterly cast out, I'm not as popular and often am on the sidelines, included occasionally, called rarely.

I don't need to talk only about God, trust me. But I do enjoy conversations with my Christian friends, especially when we get into depth which usually ends up talking about the Lord. Why? Because He's our center. That, by the way, is considered worship: Give to the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness or in holy array. Psalm 29: 2...Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; meditate on and talk of all His wondrous works and devoutly praise them! 1Chronicles 16: 9. You can't tell me that if anyone were highly praised by others they wouldn't like it! God loves it when we talk about Him.

Going against the grain, rubbing people the wrong way, going against the flow. Taking God seriously,  enjoying His company and rejoicing in His Words of life, hope, peace, joy...things that He can generously provide over the man on the street...or the men in control of earthly governments...are delightful. They truly are.

This is not some arrogant thought, although even that could be considered controversial. The things of God are foolishness to those who do not understand, scripture says. The Word of God is all truth. Going against that truth is going against God Himself. That's why it is important to be in relationship with Jesus. This relationship is available to anyone. So if it's open to anyone, by God's invitation to ALL, how can it be considered arrogant? That sounds more like love.

People, however, struggle with being told He and His the truths in His Word are better than what the world has to offer,  being told His way is narrow, it's not about a denomination but relationship, about Him being the only way to heaven and eternal life, about only one road leading to Him, about the difference between heaven and hell, about pride and arrogant thinking that we do not need Him because we can do on our own quite well, thank you. It's about Him. "I Am" is His claim. From beginning to end. It's always about Him.

So it's against the grain. It's dying to our fleshly life and desires that we might have life. It's putting to death our earthly nature and putting on the things of Christ. Earthly nature versus spiritual. Bad versus good. Letting go of what again is against the grain, idols: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed (Colossians 3:5). Yes, idols.

God has always gone against the grain. He is the narrow Way, the absolute Truth and the perfect Life. It goes against the flow to worship Him because of His claim that "I Am" and there's nothing that can change that. It truly is His way or the highway. Right or wrong. White or black. It's a choice...with consequences for those who opt not to choose.

I know I go against the grain writing this. Jesus had hard words that people rejected and anyone can reject mine. There were many in His day who heeded those hard words and today they are truly in a better place. I go against the grain to speak His truths.

As I was letting this blog "rest" before posting, I received an email from a friend that fit into all this. She was referring to an overview of a DVD called The Great Church by Jim Staley. "The enemy knows that in order to destroy God's people, all that he needs to do is to destroy the founding "Constitution" of God…His Law. If he could convince the people that His Law, ordinances and commandments that He intended for Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness were no longer relevant for today, that the people would fall into bondage by creating their own laws. The enemy has crafted and executed his plan perfectly as he has convinced mankind that the Law of God is no longer relevant for today. He has even convinced us that it was God's idea to get rid of it!" 

The enemy has deceived people into thinking self and world are better than God. It is he who causes people to believe see the things of God as against the grain.

Ephesians 5:15-17 - See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord  is.

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