Sunday, November 11, 2012
God...We Have a Problem!
Deuteronomy 10:17 - For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome...
This has been quite the week. While some of us, as our pastor said this morning, are not happy with the election results, there are some who are. It has been a week of reflection, introspection and prediction. I have been part of discussions on election results, the future of this country, who I am in Christ, the 10 Commandments, even the subject of Christian vs. disciple and where I fit in God's grand scheme, His will, for such a time as this.
It's important, first of all, to know what Deuteronomy 10:17 says...our God IS the God of gods and the Lord of all areas of life...from the smallest thing in my life to the biggest thing in this country or world...and universe. Everything begins and ends with God, something everyone needs to understand. And it's just as important to realize that if we are followers of Christ, we are disciples and it is our duty to help others understand the things of God, not that everyone wants to hear it!
It is up to us to speak the Word just the same, to show the relevance of knowing this great and glorious God. It is clearly the decision of hearers/readers whether they want to trust in the Lord or trust in man...or trust even in themselves. I just know Who I place my trust in because He knows the beginning from the end, He is the Life, the Truth and the Way. I count my time on earth as a stepping stone to a bigger and better life.
I blogged earlier how I felt even before I learned the election results. How the words came to me that no matter how it turned out, no matter who would be the leader of our country, it was God's plan and He is still in control. Hey, to be blunt, He can use anyone to cause His will to be done. ANYONE. We don't know what His plans are but they are for good and they will, in time, glorify Him. Those who put their faith and trust in Him, know this. We live by faith, not by sight...a lesson God may be trying to convey through this past election. Praise Him!
Today our Pastor, Rory Grooters, spoke on OK, Who is Your God Now? For those whose prayers were not answered regarding the election, do we put our trust in man, government, ourselves or do we put even more trust in our God, as we should? There are many who believe we got what we as a nation deserved in this election. And I don't mean that is a good way! God may be judging this nation...because we have turned our backs on Him. Of course many will laugh at this, but the truth is we have allowed society to dictate the needs of the, the wants of the people.
We want instant abortion, alternative lifestyles, government handouts instead of work; we want whatever we want, the way we want it and we want it now. We want to go against what the Word of God says is proper living. Who cares anymore? It's an ancient book; it's outdated; it's so against what society wants. WANTS. What does God say? (There are those)...whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly things. (Philippians 3:19)
What does God want? Pastor Rory said He wants us to hunger for holiness and God (which is foolishness to many). When we have that all else will be given to us, the Word tells us (Luke 12:31). He wants us. He wants us to be holy because He is holy. He created us in His image. In His image! Does our image reflect that of God? He wants that none should perish but have everlasting life. But some want to feed their selfish desires in the world where moth and rust destroy over the things of God which will not perish. Oh, let me tell you, I believed that lie once myself. But the freedom that comes when the truth is made known. The truth will set anyone free. But there is still much I need to be free of myself...
Pastor said we either want real power (that comes from God) or impotence (which comes from man, or a king...leader). I'll take the all knowing, all powerful, ever present God, thank you. He has lasted a lifetime. How many leaders, kings or presidents have? He stands the test of time. The Ancient of Days. As pastor said: When dependency on government replaces God, we have a problem. Our problems are bigger than what government can do. We must look higher.
Where is your strength? Is your identity in who you think you have made yourself to be (when actually God gave you your abilities and strengths that you might glorify Him). Where do you place your trust? Can you honestly say government has taken care of all your needs/desires? Where will you go for help when things really get rough? When illness strikes, or you lose someone? Who is your hope? Can you say our government will be the answer?
My strength is in the Lord. My hope is in the Lord. The Lord is my refuge, my strong tower...all who run into it are saved. The Lord is the Rock of my salvation. It is He, my God, in whom I place my trust. I will look up beyond the seat of our government and straight up into the throne room of God for my needs. Will you?
Deuteronomy 10:12-13 - And now, ... what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes which I command you today for your good?
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