Our Foundation
2Timothy 2:19 - Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”
We all know what foundations are. The meaning of the word is: the act of founding; a basis upon which something stands or is supported (Webster's).
All things revolve around God, if you don't already know that.
If we look at the world, God brought about the act of founding, in His act of creation. He also was the foundation of this nation. He is to be our foundation. Upon His foundation we stand secure, in life, in death. He was, is and is to come. His Word should be the foundation upon which we learn how to live, how we conduct business, deal with people, worship Him, know His Son. It should be our standard.
Are we perfect? No. But we have the means to righteousness through Jesus Christ. Our flaws and imperfections and sins can be covered by Jesus' atonement for our sins. If we sin, we have only to ask for His forgiveness and He will forgive. It is the foundation of these truths that make us His children.
I'm still thinking about Jonathan Cahn's book and DVD series, The Harbinger and Isaiah 9:10 Judgment. There are way too many occurrences that have happened to Israel thousands of years ago and what happened here on 9/11. Way too many to be considered coincidences.
If the Bible and God are to be our foundation, we should be able to see how what transpired in biblical history can show us what our present and future will bring. We are truly seeing God at work today.
God is always at work, even in the little things that go by unnoticed in our daily lives, things we may never know about. But He's setting stages all over the world to put His plans in motion. The ultimate goal is for people to see Him as Sovereign Lord of all, One who knows the beginning from the end, who knows what is best for us, who attempts to interact in our lives every day. He's not some overbearing God who only wants us to do for Him because He says so. He has given us a choice in following Him. But for those who do, for those who listen, take heed, actively seek Him and obey Him, those He will bless.
Yes, He wants us all to worship Him...because He is the Sovereign God. He's not some ego maniac. He wants only what's best for us. He's like the greatest Father we could ever want. He will provide all we need...not necessarily all we want. He will protect us from our enemy. He will keep us safe and He will allow us to live forever in glory with Him...providing we seek Him, live for Him. Yes, there are provisions for this eternal life.
It is necessary to be in relationship with His Son. It is important to have the Holy Spirit in our lives that we may learn, may see, may understand the deeper things of God. That only commences with receiving His Son. It's the infilling of the Holy Spirit upon this receipt. I can truly say I know how I felt the day I allowed Jesus to enter into my life. It was a real feeling that took weeks for me to find out what it was I'd felt. Oh happy day!
This relationship with Jesus/God is our foundation. It all starts there. We can read the Bible or go to church but until one sits alone with the Bible in hand (open!) and sits and listens for the words of the Lord, we are not experiencing the Lord. He's still some idea somewhere out there that we cannot see or touch. But if we have this foundation, His presence is with us continually. He walks beside us.
I've had very moving experiences where I knew that I knew Jesus was holding me. He'd be taking me deep into the recesses of my memory, bringing up old hurts, then letting me experience the pain one more time before comforting me in such a way that I knew He was healing me and I not longer needed to cling to the hurt or guilt. He has also been strength in difficult times when I knew the people around me had been placed there by Him.
This is one reason why He should be our foundation. His healing power. His strength for any difficult situation. We live with stuff that we hide or cover up because it's hurtful or embarrassing or shameful. Thank God He wants to forgive those things. And He is right beside us when something unexpected happens. That foundation of strength.
Our foundation...that solid footing under us. That belief system that is a sure thing. That solid rock we can stand upon surely. That is what Jesus can be for us, what He is for those who have gone through a true face to face meeting with Jesus. I can't tell you the peace in the midst of all that's going on in this world. I am secure in Christ.
On the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, the old hymn goes. I think there is a time coming when it will seem as though the world is in this sinking sand. Those, however, who have the rock, the foundation beneath their feet will not sink. It will not take away the stuff that's happening. We will still have to go through stuff, but our faith will hold us up. And the Lord will deliver us from it all.
It's hard to know if my faith is strong enough, but I have sensed lately that I am placing more faith in the unseen. I'm feeling a bit stronger that God will provide. I think we still need to prepare to some degree for disaster, when we begin to see things happen in today's Israel. It will be our clue that God is planning something big. Better to know that now. Have that firm foundation beneath our feet now than to scramble on unsteady rocks or sink in the sand of uncertainty.
Matthew 7:25 - ...and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
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