Psalm 147:5 - Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit. Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! (Psalm 147:5, Revelation 19:6)
As I was in prayer this morning I was crying out for God's intervention in the hearts and lives of those in this world who would only know there is a God but not take Him seriously.
The tears erupted as I thought: the world without God is very large, that wide road to destruction. But the world with God is small in comparison, the narrow road to victory. And the thought then came: And yet, the world, the people, who have a closeness and relationship with God, is huge. It knows no bounds. There is so much out there for us to have, to know, to rely on. Much bigger than what the world can give. Victory is always greater than defeat. In Christ there is victory beyond measure. And we have God's peace in the midst of everything. In the world defeat is greater. Fear is imminent.
These words came after I had been thinking/praying about the words omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent…all that God is.
Omnipresent- He is in all places at all times. Ubiquitous (I love that word). Wall-to-wall, Webster's Dictionary states. Universal...Creator of the universe.
Omniscient - He is completely aware of all things that are happening, in the world, in people, in all people's lives, hearts, minds, and is still aware of what has happened in the past lives of those departed.
Omnipotent - He is all power and strength. Almighty.
This is why He is God. This is why we need Him as that omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Presence in our lives. It can only take an act of God for people to intervene so that these absolute truths can be understood. He calls us, He chooses us. If He does, we should grab hold of that and make use of it. It is something so great, so amazing, so important and something we should be so grateful for. What an honor when He calls. We can be the salt and light, we can toss the seeds, others might water, but ultimately it is the Almighty, all powerful, ever present God who will finish what we cannot. He will get the ultimate glory. We are just to be about His work.
His Spirit is everywhere, His eyes are searching to and fro across the earth looking for those who will believe in Him, follow Him, worship Him. There are little pockets of true believers here and there in this world while the others wander aimlessly without His phenomenal guidance, wisdom, discernment, presence. I wonder how often the world wanders into these pockets and miss what God was showing them?
Nothing, absolutely nothing, can be hidden from Him. He has created light and dark physically and He knows light and dark in men's souls. That is why He desires to shine His light into our lives to reveal the darkness, to wash it away, to open the eyes of our understanding and hearts to learn the truth of Who He is, what He can do, what power we can have through Him.
We are created in His image. We just fail to really understand this sometimes. When we come to Christ He gives us His power. I think about when Jesus had risen and came to visit the disciples. He breathed on them and gave them His Holy Spirit, His power, to carry on without Him. The Holy Spirit was to give them all they needed because He could no longer be with them physically. It was then, I have heard, that they became born again. Think back on when God was creating...and He created Adam. The Bible says He breathed on Him and Adam came to life. Life number one, the physical one, was breathed in by God; life number two, the spiritual one, was breathed in by Jesus. Do you see?
When we are born again, we are given the same power of His Holy Spirit as He has. We are told we CAN heal the sick, raise the dead, know the truth. We are told we ARE healed by His stripes even if our physical bodies show otherwise. It is a spiritual healing, and sometimes it can be physical. With God all things are possible. With God, with Jesus, we are in His likeness and being transformed day by day. Praise God.
The One who created this world created us. We are made in His own image and His holiness transcends our old person as we give our lives to Him. We become new...the old is gone and we continue to grow as we live on. Growth, change never stops at our initial conversion.
I want to be on the side of the One who will protect me in this world. I want to be a part of the Person whose life was taken for me, whose blood was shed for my sins. I want to be on the side of truth and wisdom and understanding. I want to know that His omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience is with me. I heard on a CD I was listening to in my car yesterday that when things in our lives become extremely unbearable, if we seek God, He will use extreme measures to rescue us. I want to be in step with an extreme God. It comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Amen.
Psalm 139:7-10 - Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.
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