John 3:17 - For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
Read this scripture again...and then another time. Let it sink in.
This is the day You have made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I thank You that You created this day for each one of us. By Your hand did You create it. And when You create, it is good.
God participates in our lives. He sent His Son, Jesus. He woos us into relationship with us. He hears our prayers and answers them (in His time and according to His will). He works righteousness within us. He’s always available. His Spirit convicts us of wrong, His Son heals us spiritually and physically. He just plain participates.
As I look at everything around me, I am reminded deep that it is because of Him that all things exist. Man may have invented some of them, but He created each person who did the inventing. We come into this world by His hand and He has given each of us the skills and abilities, the weaknesses and strengths, even a character and nature. (More participation.) He uses all those things to develop us. But at the same time, He knows who we truly can be in His power, wisdom, knowledge and strength and that character and nature can change. He also knows that we are filled with sin, guilt, shame and annoying habits!
We live our lives apart from You in that sin-filled lifestyle until we make a concerted decision to allow You to work through us and grow us and make us in to that man or woman You originally created us to be...the person that has been kept hidden...that person who is blind until You reveal Yourself to us and make us into that person (a lifetime process) who is perfected by Your hand. This is a good thing!
The world should praise You and bless You for this day. You are the Giver of the gift of life. You are the Giver of all good things. I thank You for what You have given me this morning. I bless You.
As mentioned in Sunday’s sermon, He is a God who participates in our lives. He is a God who hears our prayers, unlike a stone idol or carved wooden image. We do not need an object before us to pray to. We do not need a picture. We can sit in a darkened room and speak into the atmosphere and He hears. We only need trust in that which is unseen and believe that He hears.
I know You are at work everyday seeking the lost, pricking their spirits to come to You. You do not slumber nor sleep. You are a God who participates in our lives...but we must be so aware of it from day to day...we must know You personally to be aware of this. Only You are truly able to remove the guilt and shame we hang on to for things we have done through our sinful nature.
Pastor Rory Grooters talked about the woman who was caught in adultery. She was brought before Jesus by the Pharisees to test Him, to see how He would handle this situation. The Pharisees were good at testing. Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say? (John 8:4-5). Jesus was always good at proving right from wrong. I don’t think they expected what transpired. After all, they were wise and learned men! They were, after all, Pharisees! Can you say “pride?”
Instead of accusing this woman, Jesus asked that whoever was not guilty of sin should cast the first stone. Little by little everyone departed. And the woman when Jesus asked who among them condemned her, answered “No one.” Jesus told her: Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more (John 8:11). She was set free without His condemnation. He calls each of us to do the same so that we might be set free. give grace in like manner to others.
The question was brought up: HOW did they catch her in the act? Were they aware of her lifestyle and were waiting, listening through the walls, peering in the windows? Who was the other party and where was he?? Was he one of the Pharisees accusing her? (Remember, being Pharisaical means being hypocritical or self-righteous.) Oh, the unanswered questions. Yet the story speaks volumes. Jesus doesn’t condemn any of us. He points out our weaknesses and tells us He will heal us and make us whole. His hand is held out for anyone who wants to come out of their pit of sin, shame and guilt.
Praise Him that He created us for this very day that we might call on the name of Jesus that we could be one with Him, one again with the Father and also be filled with His Spirit to receive the power to be a child of God.
Lord, remind us to always remove the plank from our own eye before accusing someone of “whatever.” We are all adulterers, like the woman above. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That’s why we need You. That’s what You are all about, Jesus...taking that guilt and shame away. Pastor Rory said: If you don’t think this is you, you have pride. A hard word, but very true. There are many who don’t think they need a Savior, that they are fine just the way they are, basically good people.
Sometimes it’s that very guilt and shame over something we’ve done that is held secret, that hangs over us like a cloud and holds us hostage as Pastor Rory explained, and prevents us from coming to Jesus. But when one submits and allows God’s hand to touch us that those feelings of guilt and shame are removed.
God participates in our lives. He has created us, we live as sinners, yet He is always looking to and fro around the world for those who will follow Him. He nudges, touches lives, heals spiritually and physically, makes His glory known to all. He participates. He is relentless. And when we receive His Son Jesus, the participation continues. He works day and night in our lives. He cleanses and heals our hearts and spirits. He gives us peace that we do not know without Him.
There is nothing we have done that Jesus can’t sympathize with. He came to earth and was bombarded by sinful lifestyles and temptations, which of course He defeated. He associated with the downtrodden, not the elite, but He still realized that in either case, they needed Him in their lives.
Right from Genesis Chapter 3 the true nature of our being came to light. We carry the same sin, passed down from generation to generation since Adam and Eve, and remember what God did to them? He quit walking with them in the Garden; He distanced Himself because He could no longer be in the presence of sin. He does that today until we remove the barrier that keeps us from Him and we receive the Mediator between God and us...Jesus Christ. He does not come to say: I see your sin and I abhor it. He says, I come to take that sin away and heal you. When we receive Christ, God sees us in our righteousness. Don’t ask me how this spiritual act happens; it just does.
There is an intersection we come to in our lives. We must make the right decision and make the right turn. Turn head in the direction of Jesus. That road is a Cross-road. Jesus will not condemn, but will gladly receive you. Then, go and sin no more.
You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one. As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it. (John 8:15, 12:47)
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