Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
As I sat last Saturday morning considering the class I was about to take on the Steps to Freedom I was reminded of this scripture above. I also was reminded of a Beth Moore Bible study on Believing God. Believing Him for everything, as I have alluded to time and again. These are promises the Lord has for us, as Beth reiterated each week:
1. I believe God is Who He says He is.
2. I believe that God can do what He says He can do.
3. I am who God says I am.
4. I can do all things through Christ.
5. His Word is alive and active in me.
There's more to this, however. Our Master as a plan. Just as He is our Master Gardener and exposes the weeds and roots in our minds and His Holy Spirit works to prune and cultivate to remove those things, I was reminded that He is our Potter; He molds and shapes us into who we can become so we can say I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And I also pictured something else.
We've been inundated with repairs at home due to lightning and water damage. Thoughts of redoing the flooring in our basement have been in the back of our minds for some time. We've dragged our feet, which is okay. But these two incidents have caused us to move forward on this project.
We need to replace carpeting. And we are having an entertainment center built to suit our needs. It will help remove some of the cluttered look of our basement. I looked at this cabinet the other day in the shop. I could see, despite the rawness of the wood, the beauty of it. I could see the smoothed lines and little embellishments that will make this piece of furniture unique. I could smell the fresh, clean scent of sanded wood.
So the other image I had: He was trained as a carpenter in life before His days of ministry began! Like the man who is creating this piece of furniture for us, our Lord through the power of His Holy Spirit, creates us into the exact piece He desires. He takes the rawness of our lives without Him and when we choose to receive Him into our lives He begins to shape us like wood (or a potter's vase...or a gardener's pruned and weeded garden) into the person He knows we can become...a much better creation; the creation He intended us in the first place. This is what He wants to do, but we must be willing to let Him do it.
Before we are in Christ we are shaped by the world. But here's the thing, as our Master Carpenter, He bids us come to Him and when we make the choice to do so, He begins to take that raw wood and shape it. He smoothes it down. He sands it. His hands do the work! He puts the pieces together in the right order, gives us a sturdy base, removes the blemishes of our past and then seals us as a final protection. He seals us! In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise...Ephesians 1:13.
It may take a lifetime to do this but in the end we are the Master's perfect work of art. Just as we are who He says we are it's because He is who He says He is. He does the work to set the captives free of all the guilt and sin of our past. He smoothes us, prunes us, molds and shapes, and revitalizes us (like a damaged basement). He fixes up the foundation of our lives.
Until we let Him do this work we are held captive by our enemy who would want us to believe his lies which are the opposite of what God says we are and can be when we are in Christ.
Do you want to know that our perfect God has a perfect plan and wants to perfect you into all that you can be? Listen for the still small voice calling you into relationship with His Son, Jesus. Accept the call and be transformed, made new by the Master Carpenter...or the Master Potter, or the Master Gardener. Whatever way you choose to look at Him, He is wanting to make you into what you were truly intended to be.
2Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
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