Matthew 24:6-7, 14 - And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
I admitted yesterday, and even one time last week, that I question where I'm headed. Having occasional times of doubt and emptiness, even wondering about what God is doing. Am I not good enough, am I not in His will, what should I be doing...where am I going.
So when I read Oswald Chambers this morning in My Utmost for His Highest the reminder came to "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10), I felt a bit relieved. It's the second part of this well known Psalm that also stands out: "I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
We think we are doing nothing, but according to Chambers if your hopes are being disappointed just now, it means that they are being purified.
The lull before the storm. This morning we learned of a tragic earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. This one struck something in me. It brought to mind the scriptures above about the last days. Are we really headed in that direction? How do we know if this isn't the truth?
But we are not to be troubled. We are to be still and know that our God, He is. He just is. He is in the midst of all these things. We can wonder what we can do, but there are some things that we just cannot do because it's God's plan and His work only that can be, must be, done.
Be still and matter where we are or how we feel, He is there. He knows the plans He has for each of us if we are in Christ. Although we are to be ready in season and out to direct others to Him, whether we do it rightly or wrongly, there will still be a time when we feel we aren't doing enough.
I think this waiting and the purification Chambers talks about is our drawing nearer to Him, seeking Him even more and in doing so He is purifying us. We think we need more of the Lord so we search the scriptures. We look for His truths and His promises and He continues teaching us more about Himself through His Word. He tells us who He is...and what He is going to the last days. He is giving us more discernment while we wait. And we may not even realize what He's doing.
My Christian brothers and sisters and I know that we are seeing the last days unfolding before us. We still do not know when but we all know that there will be a day in our future when God will open the floodgates of our lives and show us that NOW is the time for "whatever." He is preparing everything, behind the scenes. He's setting up the nations to rise up against Israel. Wars and rumors of wars are in the works. You can see this, right? He is bringing about the earthquakes and tsunamis, storms and whatever other plagues and pestilences might arise. Oh, you might say it's always been this way, but with such frequency and determination as today?
While we wait for God, sometimes impatiently, He is strengthening us. We can remember He is with us always. We can hold fast to the truths and promises that He will sustain us. We can maintain a solid stance on our trust and faith in Him. And we can wait for His words to each of us that "now is the time."
Chambers talked about remaining spiritually tenacious. I cannot imagine ever saying or thinking, "I've had it. This is enough. I quit." No, because I wait patiently to see what the Lord is going to do. I'm anxious to see it happen. I know it will be something so spectacular. He may use me in a little way or a large way. It doesn't matter. It's the big thing He is going to do that I am waiting for. And in the meantime, I will listen for His still small voice for a clue what my next step will be.
I see all that's happening in the world and all the unrest. Amuse me a second and consider just what if we are seeing the last days. Wouldn't you want to know more about what is going to transpire? Wouldn't you want to know how you fit in all of this or how you can? Wouldn't you want to know what your future will be? Wouldn't you want to know if you were going to be secure in it all? Are you ready for the last days?
Christ is the one who gives us true rest. When all else fails, Christ is there. Even if my world comes crashing down, I know who my Lord is and where my trust is. I might have to go through some difficulty, but I know that He will be my refuge and strength and the end is eternal life in Christ. Wouldn't we all want to know this? Isn't it time to realize this?
I wouldn't want to be living in today's world without knowing that I know Jesus. Maybe I seem like just another worrier or fear monger and that's okay. I don't look at it as worry or fear. I look at it as knowing the truth. Better safe than sorry! Jesus Christ is Lord. His plans will prevail. Those who believe in Him will not perish. Those who have their doubts will...unless they reverse their ideas, let go of their own strengths, loosen their grip on their own pride, and receive Christ.
You cannot make yourself a better person on your own. You cannot work harder doing good things for others to receive Christ. You cannot assume anything as far as Jesus is concerned. Either you know Him personally or you do not. Either you are living your life for Him or you are not. It's not about what you can do for Him but what He has done for you. He speaks to us daily. All we need to do is listen. The signs are out there.
Revelation 3:20 - Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
Yes, it is ... either ... or.