1Kings 19:12 - and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.
Well, this is quite late in getting written. It's still as powerful today as when it all happened. It was a wonderful day last Sunday at church. I could feel the Spirit of God. I'm amazed, will never cease to be amazed either, how He works. Quite often our Sunday school class parallels or mimics the sermon. It's not like our pastor and Sunday school teacher collaborate either.
During class Tom, our teacher, asked Chris to tell us about a progression of things that happened to him. Chris told us how he had been a hard rock musician and wanted nothing to do with God. When he came to Christ, in a moment of elation, he said he would use his singing and talent to sing for Him. Later he changed his mind. And he did not! Years passed.
A year or so ago one of his daughters asked him when he was going to do as he said about singing for the Lord. He wouldn't talk about it. It obviously was hard for him to even talk about it now. A short time later Tom felt led to call Chris and tell him he thought he should use his talents for the Lord, not knowing his daughter had already spoken the same words! Again Chris didn't want to talk about it.
As his story progressed Chris shared how last summer an incident occurred that caused him to reconsider, not realizing that in the end God would heal him of some old wounds. Chris knew what he had been, done and sang. For years he clung to the guilt of what he had been and couldn't imagine God would want to use the talents he'd been given to glorify Him. He was too ashamed, too bruised. He recorded the song into his home answering machine since he didn't have all the fancy recording equipment! And the healing began. God spoke to him.
All that to say God speaks to us in so many ways. He can use a song, friend (Tom), spouse, child (daughter) or His own Word. You can look at His creation and He might speak volumes. I'm convinced He speaks to all of us but many don't hear or don't recognize His voice. A thought that comes into our head might very well be His. I have to say that a few times I have heard what was an actual voice. I could have sworn it was someone standing right behind me when no one was there! It was not my thinking voice; and it was a solid word. Before I knew Christ I wept when someone told me she heard God speak. I wanted that. And the next day I received it!
I believe one of the most common voices God uses is the still, small voice. It's barely audible, a whisper of sorts. That's the voice Pastor Rory Grooters spoke about. It's the voice we can be unsure of at times.
He told us about five filters that come from the book, The Power of a Whisper by Bill Hybels, we can use to judge if it is God's voice...the Holy Spirit:
Question if this is the urging of God...1John 4:1-6 (Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God...)
Does it line up with scripture...2Timothy 3:16 (All Scripture is given by inspiration of God...)
Is it wisdom for my life...James 1:5 (If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God...) various Proverbs regarding wisdom
Is it in tune with who I am...1Corinthians 14:32 (And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.)
What do trusted Christian friends think...1Corinthians 14:29 (Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge.)
And Pastor Rory added one of his own: Does it stick and stay and won't go away? God is relentless in His pursuit of us and what He desires for us to be and do. 2Chronicles 16:9 - For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. He knows what we are capable of and it is His desire to see us do it. If it is His will, He won't back down.
Pastor talked about the prophet Elijah and how he was dedicated in his work for God but when he heard that there were those out to kill him, he shrunk back. He went off by himself pleading with God to let him die. He was having a little pity party with himself. God told him to arise and eat because he needed his strength and asked what he was doing in that place. Elijah explained how he had been zealous for Him and done mighty things for Him but now someone wanted his life.
God asked him to go stand on a certain mountain where He would meet with him. As Elijah did winds blew, the earth quaked and fires raged but God was not in any of them. It wasn't until after the fire that a still, small voice could be heard. It was God again asking him what he was doing there. Elijah repeated his tale of woe. God told him to go back where he came from and do as He told. About this time Elijah had to have known that God had not abandoned him and would not certainly allow his life to be in jeopardy.
Is this how we react sometimes in our lives when insecurities, doubt, fear, or discouragement hit? I can tell you unequivocally yes! I went through it last week...insecurities, doubt, even a touch of fear, partly relating to what I thought was my not be hearing God's voice and that I wasn't good enough! I felt ashamed as I went through my own pity party.
Before Sunday's service I spoke with a woman I'd not seen in awhile. She was just leaving and obviously the sermon was still running through her mind. Of all the things we could have talked about, she just had to share something with me. She, too, had questioned whether she had heard the Holy Spirit's nudging for her to say something to someone...which she did with a good outcome. As she related the incident tears began to form in my eyes. God was already doing something in me and between her little story and the message I was about to hear that morning, and our Sunday school class, I believe God had a right now word for me. He used all these things to help me realize I have been hearing His voice, but rather doubting it.
Pastor spoke about how God knows our name. He has our name written on the palm of His hand. Like with Elijah He will listen to our complaints but He'll also tell us to go back where we came from and He will be there for us. He is the same God who called out our name to join in fellowship with Him. If we are in Christ we are a new creation... We heard His voice then and it hasn't changed. It's our selective hearing that gets in our way. We need to remember a time when we heard Him speak and He worked something marvelous into our lives.
Like sheep know the voice of their shepherd, we know (or should) our Shepherd's voice. If the fears creep in it might be we have allowed other voices to replace His. We need to realize that He will never leave us or forsake us. We need to remember He knows us each by name. Imagine how many names He knows and each one is as important as the next!
He has given us His Spirit. His Spirit is there to nudge and remind and teach. It's that still, small voice.
John 16:13 - However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
You couldn't have said it more clearly ... if we know Him we will hear Him and that is truth we can hold onto.