Yikes. How do we known when we have counted all things as loss? How far do we go? What do we let go of?
It's not that we do things to please ourselves but that we use the gifts God has given us in a way that would honor Him. It's not about us; it's about Him in us. If we keep this in mind we will know when we're doing it for our own gain and leaving Him out of the picture. If we do it in a way that pleases God He will allow us more success than if we did it without His guidance. Do you see?
The excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus...through our knowledge of Him, we we learn what's true and right and just and we act this out. What is the heart motive? Truthfully...can we identify that motive? Do we work only so that we may have things in our lives or do we work because we enjoy it and we know we're good at it (and acknowledge that as a God-given goodness) and that we are giving of ourselves for others, not for ourselves? Do we thank God for the wisdom He has given us or do we take the credit?
The answer to the questions above, of course, is to give up all things that do not glorify God. But we cannot do this on our own. He does not honor drunkenness or using His name in vain. He does not honor cheating or lying. He does not honor pride and self-centeredness. The first step that needs to take place is our admission that we are a sinful people, in need of salvation...acknowledge it, repent of it and receive Christ into our lives so that we might be filled with His Spirit so we might hear Him speak. Then be obedient to what we hear. He will reveal to us what needs to go.
This is a life-long process. The reason we need to remove things is so we become more like Christ...ourselves but with a Christ-like attitude. He wants us to look more like Him in our earthly bodies. I'm sure there are some who just can't comprehend this idea. He has created us all as individuals; no two are alike. We don't lose our own identity, but with Christ's help and guidance, we can be more than we are. I think I have a long way to go. I often wonder what He thinks of me. How much farther do I have to go? Am I in His will today? Am I as obedient as He desires?
Oh, but there's the point. It's not about me. I don't need to know everything. It's about me doing what He would want. I think not knowing makes me press on, wanting to please Him. It's about His working through me. I am in Christ...and He is in me. Unity, righteousness. My step of faith that I took years ago...it may only be a small mustard seed of faith, but it's there just the same.
I received an email the other day that included a video. This shows how God can use even the smallest bit of faith if we just obey His voice, sometimes no matter how foolish it might seem or how foolish we might appear...if we just listen and respond to His prompting. It especially works when we realize how impossible some things seem in our own human logic but through our obedience He brings the miracle.
We need to fully grasp the power we truly have in Christ. Not man's strength and power, but His. That begins with letting go of our own ideas of what we can and cannot do. I don't profess to be able to heal anyone, but if God so chose to use me, as long as I obeyed, I believe I could. (Healing, by the way, can be no more than leading someone to Christ.) I've been the target of obedience and some stepping out in faith: starting a Bible study, praying on the spot for someone. They seemed impossible in my own mind but through stepping out in faith, believing it was by the direction of the Holy Spirit, the path was set before me and things were put into motion. It's exhilarating, especially when one realizes it was Him causing things to fall into place. It's easier than our striving to make something happen.
Counting your thoughts, your perceived plans, your insecurities as loss because Jesus walks with you to guide you is a learning process. I want to hear Him more often and then to be obedient in all that He tells me to do. When you see Him at work and you see the perfect way He works through you, it becomes easier to take that next step. I sometimes even wonder if this blog is coming from me or the Holy Spirit. Forgive me, Lord, if I have ever gone out on my own. The motive, I don't believe, is not for my own gain; it's wanting to bring the truth to life.
That's part of our righteousness. It does come by faith. And what does the Word say...and faith comes by hearing...the Word of God. Know that God desires you. Seeking Him through His Word. You are not giving all of yourself. He is peeling away the things that hinder you so you can be a better person, in and through Him. It's a concept that today's world struggles with...letting the Almighty God who knew you before you were born, developed certain traits and characteristics in you at that time, be the One who will direct you through life in a perfect way you cannot even imagine. I know, it sounds like all He wants is manipulate you. I don't know how to explain that it's not so. Just know you don't lose yourself entirely. You just see things in a different way; you know the truth; you end up doing what is right...through Christ.
When He speaks to us, He desires obedience. He knows us better than we know ourselves and all we do is get in our own way. When we have heard Him and obey it only stands to reason it increases our faith...the faith that we can do all things through Christ. He only wants the best for us and wants us to be stripped of our own egos and pride.
I will press on and not let the knowledge and truth of who He is out of my sight. But I do, in my own mind, have a long way to go. It is through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His being first and foremost in our lives. He has a plan for each of us...that we gain Him, attain His righteousness, have our faith strengthened through our obedience to what He knows is best for each of us. He seeks us so this plan can present itself.
Philippians 3:12 - Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
"Yikes" is right. How much do we need to let go of, or, how much can we hold onto?