Luke 18:22 - So when Jesus heard these things, He said to him [rich young ruler], "You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."
We all know what selective hearing is. We've all done it. If we don't agree with someone on a certain point we shut our minds off, especially when we might know that it's the truth, and sometimes truth is hard to hear.
Oswald Chambers tells us in his August 17 My Utmost for His Highest devotion "Jesus Christ says a great deal that we listen to, but do not hear; when we do hear, His words are amazingly hard." The world has painted a picture that tells us having things is good. Having more things is satisfying. The more you have the happier you are. Now having things is okay, but when we are taking in more than we really need, we are seeking some "thing" to satisfy. Things don't do that and never will. We just don't always realize that letting go of something can be freeing.
Jesus would say give those things up and follow Him because He has the water that will cause one to never thirst again. He is the living Bread. He has everything we could ever want if we choose Him over those things that rust and perish.
Jesus encountered people who listened but would not hear. People today do that same. He spoke the truth all the time. He had no choice, He was Truth. He is God and God does not lie. There were those who gladly gave up all they had to follow Jesus. Perhaps some had little to begin with and what Jesus offered was far greater than their expectations. Some definitely followed because Jesus healed them in some way and that secured their devotion to Him.
But what about those who had all the things they thought they needed in their lives, like this rich young ruler in the scripture above? It was hard to let go of his wealth. He sought the way to eternal life, but was reluctant to give up the things he loved. It tells us that after Jesus made the comment above, this man became sorrowful and discouraged. Is this why so many people don't want to put their entire lives in His hands? Are the words just too hard to bear that we might have to change our lifestyles? That we will have to set ourselves apart from others, including family and friends? We will have to look, act, think differently? Well, "having to" is not quite right; it comes with the territory and isn't that difficult to bear!
I should add here that God doesn't always take away all we have. He isn't asking us to give up our jobs, sell all our possessions or give everything to the poor and become destitute. He's trying to show us how to be thankful for just what we need and no more.
If someone has nowhere else to look for comfort or healing and they earnestly reach out to God, they will find Him. It is then they choose to hear Jesus speak. So often it's in a weak moment we are willing to hear. Other things, other people have failed so what's left? Hmmm, maybe this Jesus thing will work, we might think. Maybe I've been too harsh in my thinking. Maybe I should listen, or try it and find out. Could it be in our weakest moments when we really do need an answer we have finally turned off our selective hearing and are finally open to listening and hearing?
Again, I bring up the country and world situation. I'm convinced that, like Glenn Beck says, we need to get God back into our lives. Our country has always been known for its wealth. How's that working today? Are those things we hold so dear going to keep us from recession? What happens if it does? I'm certain that if things continue as they are, we will get to a place where more people will be looking to God for their provision. Ears will hear. Without God we will falter; I'm convinced of that.
I know believing that Jesus is the only answer is one of those very hard words that will be ignored. Jesus has told us I am the Way, the Truth and the Life... In Christ there is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). In Christ I am no longer condemned (Romans 8:1). In Christ I am redeemed (Romans 3:24). In Christ I am no longer separated from the love of God (Romans 8:39). In Christ I have eternal life (Romans 6:23). There are many other examples of who we can be in Christ. The words of Christ go against the thinking of this world. That's why His words are hard to hear.
I have recently begun to think about things I could give up if I had to. Yes, it would probably feel like they were being pulled out of my life but once gone I'd move on just fine. I think God does this for me so when it happens, it's not a surprise! I praise Him for that! Nothing we can physically hold on to lasts forever. Ask those who have had a house burn down or lost a loved one. It hurts but they move on. In the case of giving up all for Jesus, however, the more you lose the more you gain. Philippians 1:21 says For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Trusting in Christ is life and when you die to yourself and the things you think you must have, you Christ.
Do I want to live my life with all the things the world can offer and miss out on the One who has everything of importance to give? No. Do I want what rust and moth can destroy and lose out on an eternal life that is secure in the Lord? No. I pray I will heed the hard words that Jesus speaks in His Word as well as what He whispers in my ear.
The Word of God is filled with hard words. They are there for us to learn from. We must be willing to first pick up that Book and read it. Then we must be willing to hear what the words are that are spoken. From the Old Testament through the New we are shown how we are to live and what is important in this, Who is important. Do we want to miss that because it's a hard word?
Hebrews 2:1-3 - Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him...
His Words are incredibly hard and you're so right about the selective hearing thing! We DO choose what we hear!