We are servants of God. God is our Master. Jesus showed us we are all to be servants to each other. Do we watch anxiously for His arrival? Do we look at the signs of the times from a biblical perspective or do we ignore the signs believing life just goes on?
We are told we do not know the hour in which He will come but we are to be ready just the same. How and for what? What are the signs?
How? By first knowing you have eternal security. Do you have a relationship with Jesus? Do you know Him? Are you absolutely sure? Salvation is for everyone. Jesus died for all. Doesn't matter what church you go to; it's the relationship with Christ that is important.
When you are married you have a relationship with your spouse. Jesus is called our Bridegroom. For He who has become your Husband is your Maker; His name is the Lord of hosts; your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel. - Isaiah 54:5 So we are His bride. There must be a relationship.
You think about your spouse and talk to them daily. Honestly ask yourself this question: Do you do that with God? If you can't say you do there's no relationship. Talk to God, pray to Him. Not just repetitious prayers, but talk to Him like you would to a person. Communicate. He hears and listens to those whose hearts are open and true. He also responds.
Be ready for what? For Christ's return. We know He's coming. We don't know the day or hour but we MUST be ready to be counted among those who are blessed. Being ready starts with the "how" above.
What are the signs? The Bible tells us, so I will not reiterate. You can read for yourself: Luke 21 is a good source. Other biblical examples are the self-centeredness of our world, pride, all the things that are bad (although not all people think drugs, alcohol, corruption are bad), homosexuality, expunging of anything relating to our God.
You think about your spouse and talk to them daily. Honestly ask yourself this question: Do you do that with God? If you can't say you do there's no relationship. Talk to God, pray to Him. Not just repetitious prayers, but talk to Him like you would to a person. Communicate. He hears and listens to those whose hearts are open and true. He also responds.
Be ready for what? For Christ's return. We know He's coming. We don't know the day or hour but we MUST be ready to be counted among those who are blessed. Being ready starts with the "how" above.
What are the signs? The Bible tells us, so I will not reiterate. You can read for yourself: Luke 21 is a good source. Other biblical examples are the self-centeredness of our world, pride, all the things that are bad (although not all people think drugs, alcohol, corruption are bad), homosexuality, expunging of anything relating to our God.
But there is good news. It's not too late to get on that road if you are reading this! Jesus says later in Luke 12 that He did not come to give peace but to divide. Huh? But He's called our Prince of Peace. Yet right now His admonitions, His words are hard to hear. That brings division...among churches and people...friends and family. Jesus also tells us at the end of this chapter that we are able to observe nature and know what the weather will be like...but some do not know the signs of the time for His return. That tells me our focus is not on Him. We must know; the time is now. We must be ready.
Luke 21:36 - [Jesus said] "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."
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