John 1:14 - And the Word became flesh.
Just a brief discussion about the Bible today, but a powerful one.
I love the Bible. It's because I love God. The Bible is the Word of God. It's God-breathed. It's not just a book of rules and admonitions but a book of love and promises--if we follow the rules and heed the admonitions! It's not difficult to read--there are so many versions there's bound to be one for anyone's liking. Even the King James Version filled with thees, thous and thines is supposedly written so that a sixth grader can understand it.
The Bible is filled with interesting stories of creation, battles, prophecies and people just like us, with issues--and it tells us how to work out our issues...God's way...for the best outcome.
God spoke and the world was created. He didn't have to use His hands. He just spoke...words. That's incomprehensible to me.
But I think the most amazing fact is--the Word, the Bible, became flesh. Another name for Jesus is the Word. The Bible is all about Jesus. It shows Him in the Old Testament throughout, but He is hidden among the feasts, sacrifices and prophets in every book. In the New Testament, He is revealed to us. The whole book was written about Him. The Word...of God...Jesus, the Word.
Jesus' ministry was to preach the Gospel message, the Good News of who He was. More words. Something nudged me to look up the definition of the word "word!" The oldest meaning Webster's Dictionary gives is "to call or name." Jesus was named the Word. Later it is suggested: the expressed or manifested mind and will of God; good news. Good news. Yes!
Strong's Concordance, which is a cross reference of every word in the King James Version of the Bible, gives the definition in the Old Testament of the word "word" as speech or utterance. It comes from a root word which means to speak, declare, promise, sing, even threaten. I particularly like the word promise, because that's what Jesus is--our Promise, our Hope, of life everlasting.
In the New Testament the Concordance explained this: In John, [the word "Word"] denotes the essential Word of God, Jesus Christ, the personal wisdom and power in union with God, his minister in creation and government of the universe, the cause of all the world's life both physical and ethical, which for the procurement of man's salvation put on human nature in the person of Jesus the Messiah, the second person in the Godhead, and shone forth conspicuously from His words and deeds.
It was years before I understood and saw the connection between word and Word. And when it did, I knew I was beginning to understand at another level. This is what the Word of God can do...reveal some of the most incredible truths and show us the most amazing meanings to what appears on the surface to be a simple word. I'm blown away. I hope it makes sense to you.
It totally makes sense ... more and more each day ... even more today than yesterday!