Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Appointed Time

 Philippians‬ ‭1:21‬ ‭- For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

So what does this mean? live is Christ. While I’m on this earth and in Christ, my goal, when I’m allowed, is to stand up for Christ. While I live it is part of my obligation to share Christ when I can. Am I always perfect? No. Do I always have the right words? No. 

In these uncertain days it is even more important that people share Christ in whatever way they can. I’m not such a bold person. I have not been blessed with a strong voice or debating skills, nor am I always listened to...or heard. I’m sure the thought, yeah right, has been the decision by many. (Not so when talking with believers!) So I write. I’ve pleaded with God for a voice for years. Perhaps my writing is the voice He has given me. So until the voice comes...until people really want to hear and know Jesus...I’ll write. At least the words are out there, thoughts clearer than had they been spoken. 

So, what then does and to die is gain mean? God knows the number of all our days. We are told not to worry about tomorrow because today has its own problems. We cannot add anything to our days on our own. We trust God for today, tomorrow and the day after if we should have another day. 

To die is gain...if a person is in Christ, when we die God is not surprised. Like I stated, He knows the number of our days. His plan for our lives are in His hand. In Christ at our death, we are whisked off to be with Him. Having lived a life for Him has paid off! It will beat the alternative location without Christ. ...where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. (Mark 9:44,46,48)

The whole reason for the Bible, Jesus and His life, death, and resurrection was for us to know Him; not about Him but know Him. He has done a miracle in our lives! Our hearts are changed. We see Him (and life) from a different perspective. His Spirit illuminates our understanding and knowledge of Him. We understand our purpose on earth. 

It’s a mystery why so many want what this life has to offer when life in Christ can offer so much more. It’s not about all the stuff we have. We really can be content with little or a lot. I believe that if certain things were removed from my life, I’d be okay without. God will ultimately fill that void and provide. I do believe that He becomes a greater part of the lives of those with little. Better is a dry morsel with quietness, than a house full of feasting with strife. Proverbs‬ ‭17:1‬

Jesus tries daily to turn someone’s heart to Him. He loves all people and can change even the most wicked heart...and He’s willing to redeem even the most evil person if they will repent of their sins and believe and trust in Jesus. He’s willing to do it for anyone. There is NO ONE righteous, not ONE, as the Book of Romans states. We all have need of Jesus, our Savior, to get to heaven. We all need a change of heart for Him. Today is not too late to receive Him. He knows the number of your days...there may not be too many left. We are never promised tomorrow. 

There is a land that God wants to give to us. He has promised it to those who seek Him. He will lead us in our journey. He will provide. We can be content in Him.

Philippians 4:11-14 - Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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