Monday, November 4, 2013

The Terror of the Lord

Isaiah 2:19,21 - They shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, from the terror of the Lord and the glory of His majesty, when He arises to shake the earth mightily. To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the crags of the rugged rocks, from the terror of the Lord and the glory of His majesty, when He arises to shake the earth mightily.

Isaiah was a prophet. He told of the judgment to come upon His people. God was frustrated and angry with Israel. They had seen His miracles, known His protection and provision over the years, but now they forgot Him. They were intent on making names for themselves, relishing in the works of their own hands, patting themselves on the back and living for self. Their stuff became their idols. They no longer looked to God as Provider.

As I read the first chapter I saw a similarity between these people and our nation, one that once was aware of the need for God, which people did not consider Him passé. God still pleads with us: "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword”; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken. (Isaiah 1:19,20)

Amidst the majority of the people (then and now) there is a remnant of believers, however. Unless the Lord of hosts Had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah. (Isaiah 1:9) Everyone knows the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Two cities filled with sin. God told Abraham he would not destroy them if there would be even 10 righteous people...and there weren't.

I know sometimes when I write I sound critical. And people don't like to hear criticism. But sometimes it's through that criticism that something eventually hits home. Jesus spoke some harsh words Himself calling some hypocrites, blind fools, snakes and vipers. Not pleasant words at all, but the truth. When I write what God warns it may sound critical. How can anyone say that God who never changes, is always truthful, has warned us in the past and continues today is being critical. He's warning...........I pass on those warnings.

Our country has a small remnant of righteous people. Although we are headed for disastrous times, I do not believe we will be destroyed for the righteous...who still will have difficult days to go through because of the unrighteous.

As Isaiah goes on, God has him prophesy first the warning that if they put away their evil ways He will do right by them. If they do not His hand will come against those who come against Him. Isaiah 1:25,28: I will turn My hand against you, and thoroughly purge away your dross, and take away all your alloy. The destruction of transgressors and of sinners shall be together, and those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed. God will still do this today because his Word has not changed...warning first...with His goodness to them if they heed and the results of their determination not to hear His words. Just not many take the time today to know what His Word has to say.

Oh, people. Does anyone see this? We are so imitating those days. As individuals, a nation and the world. Many do not hear the words of the prophets warning of the days to come. Many might say, they were ancient people and what does that have to do with today? Many believe that life just goes on as we have known it for our short time on earth. I look at it this way...Jesus will return; why not today or tomorrow? It has to happen sometime. Shouldn't we be ready? What do you think will happen if He does? Are you ready? Do you care? You should.

The signs of the times show the great and glorious day of the Lord is coming. Scoffers are in abundance. Evil abounds compared to 60 years ago, right? Wickedness in the form of complacency and self-seeking, self-pleasure is everywhere. And there are a lot of blind people...blind because if
they could see they would recognize their sin and who wants that?

There will be a day when the terror of the Lord will come. If I must be afraid of it, so should everyone. There WILL be a day when God will show the world His glory and righteousness. It will be a terror to those not with Him, to those who have ignored Him, who have said they believed in Him yet lived as they desired thinking they had nothing to fear. When this day comes, all those things one worked so hard for, so enjoyed, so proud about, will come to nothing...left behind when the fear of God so overcomes and sends people running and hiding because God's glory is too much to bear.

I share Isaiah's warning. It is not mine. As God spelled it out then, He spells it out in no uncertain terms today. He never changes, His Word is still true. He has shown us as an don't get mad at the messenger(s)! Ignorance is no excuse. Turning a blind eye or deaf ear is no excuse. God has shown us. Will you heed His warnings? Or will you laugh at what seems impossible? Isn't it He who created the heavens, earth and mankind, brought the Great Flood, was provider and protector to those who followed Him, rained judgment on those who did not, who sent His Son to die for all so we would not need to fear? Jesus is still the answer in this world. Just acknowledging Him is not enough. Knowing Him personally is. Trusting in Someone who is unseen, having faith in Him before the things we can see or feel.

Heed His warning or don't. Laugh or not. I voice not just my own opinion but that of others, which ultimately comes from God. It's up to you to make up your own mind.

For with God nothing will be impossible. Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You. (Luke 1:37, Jeremiah 32:17)

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