Tuesday, October 4, 2011

WHY....For the Better Thing

John 16:33 - These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

In a  little informal setting in the lobby at church last Sunday, Pastor Andy Horn and a small group approached the subject of who we are in Christ. It reminded me of an email devotion I'd received earlier that week that told us that although we call ourselves Christians it doesn't make us better; we do not have an upper hand in either perfection or fallenness (see my October 1, 2011 blog). The difference is knowing where we've come from and in Whom we now are, where our strength now lies. And it doesn't prevent us from going through difficulties.

We still have troubles in our lives, but how we go through those struggles comes from  knowing Who we are in Christ and Who we can call on to handle those troubles. I recall asking so many whys before I knew Christ when things didn't work out for me. I could always find someone else to blame, too. Today it's different. The why questions might at first want to be thought, but immediately the frustration or anger are replaced with, Okay, Lord, why is this happening? What do you have planned? What new thing is in the works?  That takes away part of the frustration of not knowing...and a good deal of trust in God...and asking for His guidance through it.

It's remembering He knows the beginning from the end. Imagine having confidence in Him, knowing that if you lost something or someone or something didn't work out it might very well be God has something greater and He has to break the ties with current situations/people in order for you to move forward elsewhere, to that better plan He has, even though you might be doing well where you currently are. If you know the Lord, you know you can trust His plans are good even when there are unanswered questions...there's a reason we must have faith.

Another email devotion I received this morning points out that even Jesus was filled with times of unanswered questions: My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me (Matthew 27:46)? He called this out as He hung on the cross. He was asking why. He knew why He was there, but couldn't understand His Father's absence at this particular moment. In His greatest time of need He received no answer. Out of His suffering the cries erupted, although He really knew the answer, that at this particular time Jesus had all the sins of the world upon Him and His Father could not be in the presence of sin. A great mystery, seeing as how He and the Father are one...

As Christians we have access to this wisdom of knowing despite our struggles, God still holds us in the palm of His hand. This is not a wisdom that should have others consider us arrogant or superior. It's just knowing who we are in Christ. It is He who is the superior one and He lives in us when we have made the choice to receive Him. It is He who is at work in us. And He is available to all who seek Him for this. Anyone willing to make the choice can be counted as a follower of Christ, a believer, whose thoughts about the way life is are different now because we know Who has set things in motion, Who has created us and all things around us and takes us on incredible journeys.

As Jesus struggled, despite being the Son of God, so we do also. That's why He is to be our example. However, we have the same assurance as Jesus. Look what happened to Him: He lived, He died, He rose again and now lives forever. This is the hope we have. It's that perfect "happy ending." Although we might not have all the answers, our eternity is secure as long as we trust in Him.

Listen to what the writer of today's email devotion had to say: As strangers and exiles, this life is not a journey towards certainty, nor is it always a journey guided by easy answers. It is a journey of trust through unknown territory and even to places of forsakenness. - Margaret Manning, a member of the speaking and writing team at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries in Seattle, Washington.

Unknown territory and places of forsakenness. A non-believer might ask, What's the point in believing if we're still going to go through the same things? It all boils down to that knowing Who is on the other side of the struggle and why He has us going there and the final outcome. Without the Lord we do it in our own strength with anger, fear and frustration or we have the choice to do it aided by His strength with joy, peace and patience knowing He is in control and His ways are right and just. Which would you rather have?

We all have a choice. The biggest struggle for some is making that choice. Once it's made life is different. Choose today whom you will serve (Jeremiah 24:15).  The choice will determine your future. It will mean the difference between victory or defeat. Your choice. Jesus Christ is Lord. He reigns victorious. He reins forever. And we can too. What better a Person can you have on your side? You can be an overcomer, like Christ.

Later that morning at the end of our service, our Pastor, Rory Grooters, made the emotional and sad announcement that because of finances they were going to have to release Pastor Andy from his duties as pastor. Later I wanted to ask God why. As soon as the thought began to form I stopped, knowing it was wrong to ask. I even heard the words, Don't go there, when my mind was zeroing in on an area of complaint I shouldn't have entered!

I was reminded of something else that recently happened in Pastor Andy's life, something that may have happened as a precursor to this event. It could be the better thing ahead for them even though it seemed things were going so well. I am deeply saddened by this announcement but also know only good will come from this. There's also that unanswered question of why looming before Pastor and his wife. And yet...although the door to this part of he and his wife's life may seem to have closed, I know they are trusting for the better thing to come from this. I'm thankful their faith in God is as strong as it is. 

Philippians 1:6 - being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

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