Matthew 7:21-23 - Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?” And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”
This can be a very troubling statement. We all think we are good. We might call ourselves Christians, but that doesn’t always make us eligible for heaven. There is only one way we can be sure. A narrow way; many Christians even believe that God wouldn’t turn anyone away, and that saying the road is narrow is absurd. But, obviously, the road is narrow because God says it is. These scriptures are for Christians and non-Christians alike. A sobering thought, to be sure.
I was watching a video as part of a Bible study I’m doing called Behold Your God. One of the speakers made this statement: Not everyone who says they are a Christian is a Christian. That statement is loaded!
I’ve known for many years that there is only one way to God, through His Son Jesus. Even before I came to Christ I called myself a Christian because I wasn't Jewish or Buddhist or anything else. Many people lump themselves into that Christian category. Some religions claim Jesus is not the only way. But there is no one else. Only one way, truth and life and that is Jesus Christ. It’s not even about religion anyway, but about relationship.
It is only through the power of God are we made a Christian, a believer and follower in Christ. We are changed, born again, as the Bible suggests, made whole only by the power of God, not self, not anyone else. No prayer alone will do it; not knowing someone who is born again; not even attending church. We must give ourselves over to Him (that relationship) for this change to take place. I’m sorry for those who don’t like change or are afraid of it. These will never know the power of God in their lives until they shed the pride.
We are all sinners in need of salvation. We are either surface Christians; on the fence or in-depth Christians. We either see God as just somewhere out there loving on people and allowing any lifestyle or within our spirit (by His power) and knowing He is of great magnificence and judgment, besides love. He is ALL power!
It is true that God will receive us just as we are; but he doesn’t want us to stay that way. We are called to repent and believe...and learn the truth...and turn away from our sinful lives...and we all are there before we receive Christ...enemies of God. Only God can do this work in us but we must be willing to set aside all we think we know, or our church teaches, to know what He alone says, through his Word.
The Bible from Genesis to Revelation speaks of Jesus. It is a very interesting study. I just started rereading a book on who Jesus is in each book of the Bible. And surprisingly, in Genesis the whole reason He came is clearly evident...because of the sin of man, which separated us from God...He had to intervene to bring about the birth of One who would save, not by the intervention of man. Only through Jesus Christ. It’s the most narrow way possible, according to scripture.
I won’t argue with scripture. It is the truth of God’s Word. What He has said, through the writing and words of many different men, empowered by the Holy Spirit, outline His magnificence, His plan for mankind, both the perfect plan and the reshaping of man’s perfection through His Son. Will you be onboard?
Matthew 7:13-14 - Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.