O LORD, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps. The preparations of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. (Jeremiah 10:23, Proverbs 16:1,9)
There is a purpose in all our lives. We either choose our own purpose or we choose God’s. There are only two options. Sadly, many choose their own. God plays no part in many lives. Going to church and sitting in a pew every week doesn’t make one a Christian. Being a certain denomination doesn’t make one a Christian either. I know these words will grate on some nerves but it is the truth, even a truth I had to learn...and continue to learn.
Scriptures, whether Old or New Testament, either point to God or Jesus. Since Jesus is the Word of God (NT) and was in the beginning at creation (OT), it points to Jesus as also God.
The Bible wasn’t written just for history. There was another very good reason, that being the Gospel message and the history involved in the purpose of that message. Christ was hidden in the rites, regulations, laws and actual things in the Old Testament so that when He became man in the New Testament (becoming THE New Testament) we would recognize Him. I hope that makes sense! All He was in the Old Testament was revealed through the New Testament.
Anyway, I heard a song the other day. It’s difficult to find online and the songwriter not very well known. But he minces no words when he writes. He’s a humble Christian country songwriter who shares what he has seen in the Church, North America (he’s Canadian) and the world. How the Church has come down to the level of the world instead of maintaining its rise above it. How new preaching, new ways of doing church and worship are shaping the Church today, watering down the hard Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Sadly, the world is buying in to it: the love of Christ only being preached instead of His hard words of truth...the gentle, loving words He spoke highlighted and those verses of His rebukes, ignored. The verse from Romans 3:23...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God...has not much clout anymore. Nor does Galatians 3:22...But the Scripture has confined all under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. These include you and me! None of us are good, unless we know Jesus Christ and have received Him as our Lord and Savior.
Belief and faith in Christ are not like of those listed in Hebrews 11 (read it, please!). Today very little of hell is preached. Funerals are choked with because someone was deemed a good person they must be in heaven...or there’s another angel up there now. I am so saddened to hear this. Where are the words he/she gave her life to the Lord and followed steadfastly and endured to the end, trusting in Him all along the way. Scriptures are plucked out that make us warm and fuzzy but so often no Gospel message preached, allowing others end up where this really good, kind person might really have gone.
I’m being blunt. I sound unkind. I’m angry at many of these Churches and denominations of today. Many souls are being lost. I’m sad and angry with preachers who claim we can have all our blessings now, today! Those preachers who claim God is telling them to ask for funds for their private jets and obscene mansions, speaking absolute nonsense. These people will be responsible for even many more lost souls. There will be a special, extremely hot place for them someday if they don’t repent, like we should all do, of not wanting or seeking after truth, and desiring to live as Christ wants us. Not just loving someone but willing to speak truth in love, and taking the criticism of others, with a desire not for someone to go to hell but that they would receive the real truth and real life.
Bottom line, this singer has some hard words to share. They will not be sung in churches unless he is invited to perform but they tell one story after another of how the Church is failing. I’m very glad that I am in a church where truth is preached, no outside books or authors are used for Bible study, and hard words are shared, where children are welcomed in the sanctuary, worship is real, love and fellowship warm...and we don’t need entertainment or movie nights, egg hunts, baptism parties or special programs to lure people in. You either like us or you don’t. But I can tell you this, you will hear the truth of God's (hard, sometimes) Word.
So, here are the words to a song I wish I could share via YouTube! The writer is Trevor Baker. From Canada.
That’s Your Life:
I know this life we live down here is simpler than we make it.
But most of us just take this special gift of God and break it.
We chase the wind and look for sin in cold and forbidden places.
But our hearts are left so empty and it shows upon our faces.
Then heaven reaches down and says “I know just where you’re hurtin’.
Come and follow Me, I’ll fill that void for certain.”
The sweetest picture that I’ve seen is of a child who’s praying.
You don’t have to understand those jumbled words they’re saying.
Something tells you God is not so big He wouldn’t listen.
That a voice that’s almost audible says “this is what you’re missing.”
Bigger men than you have found life’s answer on their knees.
But you don’t have to wait to go there, till you really feel the squeeze.
There’s something saying, that’s your life.
Hmmmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm.
Now, I don’t need to put the brakes on all that you’ve been doing.
But have you ever stopped to think of what it is that you're pursuing?
Cars and trucks and houses are for living not for showing.
Money’s not some god that’s for stashing or for blowing.
Even when you win the game or climb the highest mountain,
Still you’re coming up so short of all the things that you’ve been counting.
Remember that one Christmas when your heart was feeling tender?
Or that moment late one night you nearly said, “God I will surrender?”
The time your heart was broken and you threw your hands up high?
When your friend was slowly dying and you just kept asking why?
In all of those occurrences you came so very close
To opening yourself up to what really matters most.
There’s something saying, that’s your life.
Mmmmm mmmmm mmmm
What I’m singing isn’t complicated laws of rocket science
But it requires some action on your part, some overdue compliance.
You know you’re going somewhere, not just pushing up some daisies.
And all this God stuff isn’t just for grandmas and for crazies.
You have thrown the baby out with all that dirty water.
You’ve been at odds with God; HE SO LONGS TO BE YOUR FATHER.
There’s something saying, that’s your life.... that’s your life.... that’s your life.
John 15:5-6 - I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for WITHOUT ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the FIRE, and they are burned.