Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Nothing, Absolutely Nothing
Ephesians 2:9 - not of works, lest anyone should boast.
I know there are times when I have failed You. That was part of a prayer this morning. The next part is what I need to share. My next words were: I know there will be days ahead, times ahead where I might redeem myself. Ooops. Immediately I knew those words were wrong as soon as they were out of my mouth. I cannot do anything to redeem myself. Jesus has already paid the price.
Praise God for that. Nothing we can do. And yet our nature is to strive. Our nature is to weigh the good and the bad in our lives and pat ourselves on the back if we believe our good outweighs our bad.
This just is not the way of the Lord. He asks nothing in return for His forgiveness of sin through His death. Nothing but receiving Him into our lives, living as if He truly mattered, being obedient to His calls and obedient in the things of God...which means gaining the knowledge and wisdom set forth in His Word.
Once saved we understand what He offers us through His Word. His Word is the Bible yet it is also Jesus Himself, the Word made flesh. His Word shows us all we see ourselves as sinful beings and allow the free saving grace of Jesus to cleanse us of our sins, being washed by His blood, the blood shed for all mankind. Nothing more, nothing less. Hallelujah!
We will continue at times to fail Him. But we can lift our heads and be free of guilt and shame when we continue to confess our sins TO HIM, not to a friend, neighbor, pastor or priest.
A personal relationship with Christ means between you and Him. He is the only Mediator between you and God. No man can do that, no works can do that. It's all about Him. This relationship begins with Him as He opens your eyes to see Him. Then it's about you! Your choosing to receive Him. He will accept you no matter what you have done. Your sins to you may seem greater or less than another's but they are all the same in His eyes. And He will forgive you if you reach out to Him. And He offers this gift freely, expecting nothing in the way of old works in return.
When we give a gift, that's just what it is, a free gift. Some might have ulterior motives thinking now the other person will have to reciprocate. But not Jesus. His gift of salvation from our sins is free. He offers it to us 24/7. Forgiveness of our sins is 24/7 if we ask for forgiveness when we have sinned. His gift was the greatest gift, one we cannot even imagine replicating or outdoing. He died on that cross freely. All our sins were upon Him, a concept too hard to grasp, when He was scourged and spit upon, when He carried His cross, when He was nailed to it, lifted up for all to see, when He was momentarily rejected even by His own Father...when He died. But what did He say amid all this torture: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Just before He died He also said, It is finished. The final act of His obedience was done. We have that same opportunity when we say, Lord, I am finished with my old life. I give it to You with all my sins. I ask that You give me a new one through Your forgiveness.
All He asks is receive that gift He offers and know Him. When you know Him all other things come into being, supernaturally. Will we get everything right all the time? Not in this lifetime. That's why we have a Savior, one who can sympathize with our weaknesses, one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are. But He was able to do it without sinning. (Hebrews 4:15). We are not God so we will always fall short.
Join in that personal relationship and be set free. Know that nothing you do in error cannot be forgiven if you only ask. Know that nothing you can try to do to make amends to Him will work. Just admit to Him your sin and move on. But this can only happen in relationship with Him.
Psalm 103:12 - As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
One God
Deuteronomy 4:39 - Therefore know this day, and consider it in your heart, that the Lord Himself is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other.
As I was in prayer this morning, the words came to me: Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I stopped and thought about the grand meaning of those words. There is no end to the depth do them. It is a concept of oneness. It all started with one God, one will.
Our God created. He spoke and it just was. All things are controlled by God. God is even allowing man to choose his own direction turning it into something more acceptable to other men because of the belief that they, like Adam and Eve in the garden, can possess on their own all the knowledge they need. He is allowing man to dig a huge hole for himself which we are seeing they/we are falling into. His will on earth is not for destruction. His will is that of heaven: peace, life, joy, as initially intended. Only those in Christ can truly say nothing could be better, despite what we see happening in the world.
I got to thinking about things of "oneness" in the Word. God desires unity, people being of one heart and mind, worshipping one true God. If it sounds one-sided it's because God knows best. The Father knows best. Adam and Eve knew what was best until they fell into the lie that there were better things for them if they just made their own choice. All it took was one quick bite of an apple. Man's ideas stem from believing that same lie. And sadly we are all tempted to believe it.
There is only one God, which will surprise many some day when every knee will be bowed to our LORD, when many eyes will be opened before His judgment is cast upon all people and the decision is made, the left hand or the right. Yes, God will choose, He will decide who will enter into His Kingdom. Those who have chosen not to believe the lie but believe in the Truth which is His Word, and His Word which became flesh, which is Jesus, shall be in His will, the will of heaven, the will of the Father for earth. One Truth, one God.
My mind wandered some more. Unity, being of one mind. Having the mind of Christ. Being unified as a body of believers. This is all He wants from us. Unity. Single-mindedness. And this also involves one Church. Like man decided they could make their own decisions, have their own choices, he has decided one doctrine isn't enough. One denomination isn't enough. There is only one Church. It is ruled by God alone, powered by His Spirit, with only one Word of truth, Jesus Christ, the Word which became flesh. A triune God, three in one: Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
God knew when He first created, as John 1:1 states, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, the whole concept of unity. One God, one Word, one Spirit. Is that so hard to understand? When there is unity among people, unity in an idea, unity in spirit, don't things run more smoothly? Why would we want it any differently world wide?
Maybe this idea of one God, one unity is too hard to comprehend. But God is God. He has all the knowledge and we do not! We are called to believe. It is those who cannot take Him at His word (or choose to receive the Word, Jesus) who fall into the ranks with the men in the world. Also...this unity, this one God, is for all mankind. Every people, tongue and nation: And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy ... for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation (Revelation 5:9)... Remember, one God...Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Here is what God called the prophet Isaiah to speak to His people, Israel: One God, no other. No other to save. Those who believe (of any people, tongue or nation) are one with Him, who have experienced the Savior's touch, have Him and His Spirit living within them. One in Christ, our Savior.
Isaiah 43:10-11 - “You [the people of Israel] are My witnesses,” says the Lord, “and My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after Me. I, even I, am the Lord, and besides Me there is no savior."
Monday, February 25, 2013
Go Ye Therefore
Mark 5:19 - However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.”
As delivered and redeemed children of God, it is our responsibility to become disciples and proclaim the name of Jesus, to tell all what great things He has done for us. For some He has done amazingly miraculous deliverance; for others He has seemingly quietly changed their lives. In either case, Jesus has set us free from the burden of sin and guilt; we are new in Christ. It is the change in us that is seen which matters.
The scripture above was referencing an unnamed man Jesus and His disciples came across. This man lived a horrific life in the mountains living among tombs. He was demon-filled, quite vocal, uncontrollable, unable to be confined and often cut himself with stones. Demon possessed.
When Jesus appeared the man, because of the absolute power of the Lord, fell at His feet. The man, more likely the demons, cried out to Him not to torment him. We are reminded that even the demons tremble at God (John 2:19). This man had no control whatsoever over his own body.
I think about the day when He returns and we all will be able to see Him. Some day every knee will bow and tongue confess Jesus is Lord (Romans 14:11). Not one person will be able to stand in His presence. All will bow before Him. I pray my bowing will be graciously, without force.
Here Jesus merely appeared and the demons shuddered. This was not just one demon but many, as was pointed out when he gave Jesus his name of Legion. Legion: regiment, according to Strong's Concordance and can be 6,000 in number or more! Imagine being utterly controlled by that amount of force. But the power of God was and still is greater than any amount of demons...if we choose Jesus...and confess His name. Those demons knew what they were up against and it seems they believed if they could be transferred from this man to another being, in this case 2,000 swine, they might have a chance to at least survive.
Little did these demons know the reaction of the swine. When they entered the swine they barreled down the side of a cliff into the sea (of Galilee). This man, set free from the power of those demons, wanted to be part of Jesus' entourage. Who wouldn't? But Jesus said no, instead telling him to spread the news of what happened to him, how the Lord had compassion on him and healed him. People were able to see the difference in this man. There was no doubt he had been delivered by a greater Power than those demons. Think about this: These demons indwelled him. When we know Jesus, He indwells us...this Man whose power is so much greater.
Imagine all the people who have been in addiction for anything. Imagine even those people who are so distressed they, too, cut themselves. Addiction of any kind is a form of possession, obsession. It is not normal; it does not come from God but from satan. In some cases might even be called demon possession. Our enemy is a demon.
Imagine also someone who has been set free of an (or many) addictions. Imagine the change that takes place. The life that is changed. The freedom experienced. The exaltation. True deliverance comes through an encounter with Jesus Christ. There are many programs available for the addict but not one has the same healing power of Christ. The physical part might be cleaned up but not the spiritual. Without the spiritual healing possession can return.
We may never be filled with a legion of demons but we are still sin-filled and in need of a Deliverer. We are all as filthy rags in the eyes of God until we receive the Christ who takes away the sins of the world. We all start this life dead to our sins. We all start life on equal footing. We will not all end our lives on equal footing in Christ, however. Some will cling to their old man...and even their demons.
We are called, whether demon possessed or just finally aware of our sinful spiritual condition, to proclaim the great things the Lord has done for us and His compassion for us. When people can see the difference they too might take this Jesus seriously. But it is up to us to do as this man: proclaim all that Jesus had done for him so that all will marvel.
Lord God, I ask that You renew this spirit in me that I might proclaim the wondrous things You have done. I thank You for Your compassion toward me, for gently wooing me into Your presence, for setting me free and opening my heart, eyes, mind and ears to all You are. Thank You for Your Word of truth and encouragement and comfort...words that are just as relevant today as they were back in the days when they were first written or spoken. Your words bring life to all who cling to them. Praise You!
As our pastor, Terry Fischer of The Church in Wisconsin, pointed out on Sunday, Jesus is the Word made flesh. Jesus made the word something more than you hear, but something you see. Jesus may not physically be walking on the earth today, but He is walking this earth in [those who have been delivered by Him]. So saints of God, let the message you preach be more than words, but let it be a message that is seen.
Matthew 28:19-20 - Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”Amen.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Alone With God
Luke 4:1 - Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness...
I have been feeling quite alone! I know I'm not. Physically I have family and friends, acquaintances. But since my last post I've been in a contemplative mood.
I'm still wondering about (and yet not) my leaving one church for another. All this contemplation, "aloneness," I know is part of God's plan and it's been brought to my mind on numerous occasions. It's His way.
I've been thinking over the past week or more about all the times it is mentioned in His Word about 4o days, 40 nights, 40 years. The number 40 is significant. I tried writing about this before but I guess the time wasn't right. I needed more contemplation! This morning seemed right.
The number 40 symbolizes a time of testing and growth and strengthening, even trusting. I'm not saying I'm specifically in a season of 40 whatever, but it's the idea that it can happen.
There are numerous accounts of 40 days or 40 years in the lives of God's people. Noah built his ark and it rained 40 days and 40 nights. It was a time for cleansing the earth. Moses spent his first 40 years as an Egyptian prince of privilege until he had to flee for another 40 years. He became a shepherd in the desert wilderness of Midian for the next 40 years. It was a time of preparation...and after that God chose him to lead His people Israel in another wilderness (of their own choosing) for 40 more years. Moses' 40 years here and there were times of growth and knowledge, strengthening and more knowledge, then leading, obedience and trust.
Moses was also on the mountain alone with God 40 days and 40 nights. Alone with God. That time spent alone he heard God speak, he listened and obeyed and came down from that mountain face aglow from being in His presence, commandments in hand. He spent time in His presence.
Jesus was sent into the wilderness for 40 days and nights after He was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. It was a time of testing, a time of making sound choices. Why Jesus? Wasn't He God? He was, however, in human form at this time, subject to temptations, as we all are, on earth. He may have been alone with satan but rest assured, His Father was there...and He listened.
I'm not sure that I am in a season of 40 something, like I said above, but it sure causes me to contemplate all the more. I ordered a book, The Oswald Chambers Daily Devotional Bible. Yesterday I counted how many days into the year I was and read that particular day's subject matter: Alone With God. Coincidence? Not in God's world.
Things observed that one day: when He gets us alone, He speaks. He shows us things we need to see about ourselves. But only when we are alone with Him. There will be times in the wilderness, for our own good. There are also different soils to which His Word falls...let's be certain our hearts have the right condition. Proverbs 10:8 - The wise in heart will receive commands but a prating fool will fail. There is an enormous power in little things to distract our attention from God. - Highest Good, Oswald Chambers. And, oh, how my last blog speaks to the soil!
He draws us closer to Himself in our alone times. That I need to learn, go through or trust Him for something, is all I need to understand at this time. It is for good, to glorify God...somehow. It's that something we need to entrust the Lord with.
Lord, I am entrusting You with that "something". I know enough about You to know that You do bring good out of evil, confusion out of chaos, and You never leave nor forsake those who follow after You. You steer us in directions we sometimes don't understand, but that's part of the testing to see how obedient we are. Lord, let me continue in obedience. Let me continue to grow in trust...especially in the days when I'm not sure where I'm going...because You do! Thank You for calling me as Your own and caring enough to steer me this way or that, for changing my course.
And then this scripture shows up in my email this morning after this is written: Deuteronomy 31:6 - Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. How powerful is His Word to those who take the time to heed it! How encouraging...and how convicting. All because He loves us.
Romans 8:28-30 - And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.
Monday, February 11, 2013
See, I Will Do a New Thing
Isaiah 43:19 - Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Mary and Martha, sitting at His feet, a heart after God, seeking God, fallow ground, sowing, unfruitful trees.
Wow, the thoughts that ran through my head yesterday. There can come a time when God wants to draw you out of what you are comfortable in and that might mean separating yourself from that which has seemed comfortable. He wants to shake you up, get your attention, teach you new things or deepen your understanding of Who He is. You may not recognize you have grown comfortable at first, but if you've been there, in that comfortable zone, for too long, He may ask you to get a move on!
I had a decision to make. Was I going to ignore a subtle urging, no command, or was I going to believe I'd not heard His voice? I'm believing that God has a greater plan for me in another church, if for no other reason for a different perspective...perhaps even to do something necessary in me. Our growth is continual. I am moving on!
I do wonder if there's more to this. Time will tell. But when Pastor Terry Fischer of The Church in Wisconsin spoke on the parable of the barren fig tree (Luke 13) it seemed to poke at me. Or should I say convict me? And the other scriptures and stories above came to mind as I meditated on his sermon.
Mary and Martha: Martha was busy about things that were necessary but not like Mary, who sat at His feet to listen to what Jesus had to say. While Martha's business was good, it was not the best. And Mary was praised for spending her time with Him. Have I stopped doing this?
David had a heart after God...He sought Him. We can have a heart after God by also seeking Mary, sitting at His feet and hearing what He tells us about life and sin, right and wrong...even listening to (reading) His parables (like about unfruitful fig trees!) Another questioning, even though I wonder where my blogs come from if not from meditating on His Word.
The unfruitful I fruitful? I don't know. I want to think I am but I wonder... Do I really hear from the Lord? Again, I want to believe I do. Maybe my hearing has grown selective...and yet I knew in my spirit I must make a change. I knew it was the Lord. It was not a decision I would have made on my own. And little by little looking back I could see where He had been showing me things, for about a year. But then I was comfortable...I'd miss my friends. However I was reminded: "Who is My mother and My brothers?" If Jesus had to make a choice, shouldn't I? Friends or a deeper relationship with the Lord? Isn't He to be our first love? And all things follow after that according to His will.
Sowing: There is this parable that talks about the condition of the heart when the Word of God is sown. If seeds fall by the wayside where no ground even exists, they are blown away, never to take root. If seeds are sown on rocky soil, birds snatch it up before it takes root. Seed might be sown among bushes or brambles where it is choked out altogether. Or it falls on good soil where it is good and moist, germinates and sprouts. What is the condition of one's heart? And yes, He is about His business making change.
Digging up fallow ground: if ones heart grows weary, it may have grown cold and calloused. It may seem like a desert or wilderness. It needs a good dose of furrowing and watering, like in the case of this barren fig tree. God will not always leave us alone if He believes there is still something worth salvaging. He will work at digging up that fallow ground. He will open eyes to the things that need to be shaken. Sometimes it's a new voice with a different message we need to hear. It could be what is necessary to get us back to sitting at His feet or doing less (of whatever keeps us from Him) so we may seek Him.
We have a God whose desire is for us (Solomon 7:10). When we came into our first real knowledge of Him He did a new thing. The soil then may have been so fertile that it was easy for Him to bring us into an awareness of Him like we'd never known. We were made new. Our old man was gone and the new man emerged. If that has faded we need to find out why and look within. He might move us to shake us.
I know there's more to this change I've made than what I see on the surface. I sure don't know what it might be. I am trusting the Lord for His guidance and His provision in whatever way He wishes. A heart that seeks Him, waits on Him and obeys and is satisfied in the process. I'm thankful for a God, our Vinedresser, who chooses to dig up the soil of hearts in order for new growth and fruitfulness. I'll present an update this time next year!
Luke 13:8-9 - "But he [the vinedresser] answered and said to him [the owner of the fig tree], ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.’"
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Fiery Furnace
Daniel 3:17-18 - ..."If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.”
I wrote awhile back about the three men of God who would not bow to any idol therefore would not bow to the idol King Nebuchadnezzar built and demanded all people worship. For this daring act they were cast into a fiery furnace to be killed for their insubordination to the king. They believed that no matter what happened to them, they would be saved, through deliverance from the fire...or in death. Either way they trusted their God.
Oh the faith and trust He so desires for us to have in all areas of our lives.
And as the story concludes, King Nebuchadnezzar saw these men and yet a fourth unknown to anyone walking around in this furnace. The furnace was seven times hotter than usual. The three guards who took them to the entrance to the furnace were killed just approaching the entrance... And these three men walked out of that furnace unharmed, not singed in any part their body or clothing, no smoky odor. Nothing. As if they had never been in that furnace.
So how much can God get us through any circumstance in our lives...unscathed, without the odor of the trial we've gone through? It can happen.
I have not been able to stop thinking about this account from weeks ago. It shows the very real power of our God. And He works like this still in the lives of those who follow Him. This story shows us that we are able to go through any circumstance of life, no matter how difficult it might be, if we hold on to the knowledge that Jesus is by our side.
Oh, for the faith and trust that Jesus walks with us in the fiery furnaces of situations of life. That He protects us, strengthens us. But not without a condition...that first we are totally submitted to Him. That we have not bowed to any other idol but to Christ alone. Let His name be lifted higher than any other.
We are none perfect. We all struggle with those things that take time away from our all-loving God. He loves us all with an unconditional love. But we must receive that love from Him. And then we must bow only before Him to receive the very same unscathing protection.
I know several people going through serious illness. I can't imagine doing this without the knowledge that our God cares for us in these times. And I often wonder how strong would I be of the same came to me. He longs to be beside us to help us through whatever it is. Just knowing He has our best interests is something to cling to.
We may not get through whatever the struggle is. It may be lifelong but as long as He is walking with us in that furnace, we are secure. It's the end result that did we come through the issues of life...did we come out of the furnace spiritually unscathed, odor free, because we have been with our Savior all along? In the end if we have clung to Him, we walk out of that furnace, whether it be out of the circumstance or through the circumstance.
There is a song running through my head. Someone posted it in Facebook a couple days ago. Here is a 4 minite version of it. I think I posted once before! But here are some of the lyrics:
Jesus is there for all who want Him. Wanting Him comes with a price...loyalty to Him, desire for closer intimacy with our Lord, walking as Adam did with Him each day in the garden of our particular life. With that price comes His strength, His saving grace. But we must desire it over all things.
With Him by our side we need not fear. We have a hope that no matter what life on earth throws at us we will get through it, even in death. We know our hope is in the Lord and His promise of eternal life is for those who seek Him diligently, who bow only to Him, who call Him their King, who have no other gods before Him.
Lord, show us all exactly what it is we need to fully understand. Draw us closer into relationship with You. All You have done for us...You only ask for our devotion to You. Open spiritual eyes. Break up fallow ground in hearts. Tear down walls of sin that surround us. Close the gap between head and heart that prevents us from truly knowing You. You are the Master potter wanting to remold us into a beautiful creation from Your own hands. Take us in Your hands.
What fiery furnace of life are you facing? Our God is able...nothing is impossible with one is like our God.
Daniel 3:23,27 - And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. “Look!” [King Nebuchadnezzar said] “I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.”
I wrote awhile back about the three men of God who would not bow to any idol therefore would not bow to the idol King Nebuchadnezzar built and demanded all people worship. For this daring act they were cast into a fiery furnace to be killed for their insubordination to the king. They believed that no matter what happened to them, they would be saved, through deliverance from the fire...or in death. Either way they trusted their God.
Oh the faith and trust He so desires for us to have in all areas of our lives.
And as the story concludes, King Nebuchadnezzar saw these men and yet a fourth unknown to anyone walking around in this furnace. The furnace was seven times hotter than usual. The three guards who took them to the entrance to the furnace were killed just approaching the entrance... And these three men walked out of that furnace unharmed, not singed in any part their body or clothing, no smoky odor. Nothing. As if they had never been in that furnace.
So how much can God get us through any circumstance in our lives...unscathed, without the odor of the trial we've gone through? It can happen.
I have not been able to stop thinking about this account from weeks ago. It shows the very real power of our God. And He works like this still in the lives of those who follow Him. This story shows us that we are able to go through any circumstance of life, no matter how difficult it might be, if we hold on to the knowledge that Jesus is by our side.
Oh, for the faith and trust that Jesus walks with us in the fiery furnaces of situations of life. That He protects us, strengthens us. But not without a condition...that first we are totally submitted to Him. That we have not bowed to any other idol but to Christ alone. Let His name be lifted higher than any other.
We are none perfect. We all struggle with those things that take time away from our all-loving God. He loves us all with an unconditional love. But we must receive that love from Him. And then we must bow only before Him to receive the very same unscathing protection.
I know several people going through serious illness. I can't imagine doing this without the knowledge that our God cares for us in these times. And I often wonder how strong would I be of the same came to me. He longs to be beside us to help us through whatever it is. Just knowing He has our best interests is something to cling to.
We may not get through whatever the struggle is. It may be lifelong but as long as He is walking with us in that furnace, we are secure. It's the end result that did we come through the issues of life...did we come out of the furnace spiritually unscathed, odor free, because we have been with our Savior all along? In the end if we have clung to Him, we walk out of that furnace, whether it be out of the circumstance or through the circumstance.
There is a song running through my head. Someone posted it in Facebook a couple days ago. Here is a 4 minite version of it. I think I posted once before! But here are some of the lyrics:
Faithfulness none can deny.
Through the strom and through the fire
There is truth that sets me free:
Jesus Christ who lives in me.
You are stronger
You are stronger
Sin is broken
You have saved me.
It is written Christ is risen.
Jesus You are Lord of all.
Jesus is there for all who want Him. Wanting Him comes with a price...loyalty to Him, desire for closer intimacy with our Lord, walking as Adam did with Him each day in the garden of our particular life. With that price comes His strength, His saving grace. But we must desire it over all things.
With Him by our side we need not fear. We have a hope that no matter what life on earth throws at us we will get through it, even in death. We know our hope is in the Lord and His promise of eternal life is for those who seek Him diligently, who bow only to Him, who call Him their King, who have no other gods before Him.
Lord, show us all exactly what it is we need to fully understand. Draw us closer into relationship with You. All You have done for us...You only ask for our devotion to You. Open spiritual eyes. Break up fallow ground in hearts. Tear down walls of sin that surround us. Close the gap between head and heart that prevents us from truly knowing You. You are the Master potter wanting to remold us into a beautiful creation from Your own hands. Take us in Your hands.
What fiery furnace of life are you facing? Our God is able...nothing is impossible with one is like our God.
Daniel 3:23,27 - And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. “Look!” [King Nebuchadnezzar said] “I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.”
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Two Steps Forward
Psalm 16:11 - You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
I have been silent for awhile. I have had to make two very big decisions and isn't it odd they would come at the same time! Two steps forward, even though they might for a time seem like steps you wouldn't want to take at all. You wish they just didn't have to be. While I'm not exactly ready to reveal them, I think I can at least express my feelings about them. Perhaps you have decisions to make and wonder what might happen if you do.
Those who know Jesus knows He opens doors and closes them as well as gives and takes. Most people don't even realize when doors are being opened and closed. They just figure it's part of life. Others don't realize that God is the One who gives and takes away. But when you know Jesus, you can also know that He is right there beside you.
When you know the One who orders our steps, although there can be a bit of trepidation, you can also trust the Person guiding those steps. We who trust in the Lord know that even though the steps we must continue to take in life are sometimes hard, there is always something good on the other side.
God never wants us to just remain content where we are. He is always urging us to move forward, to press on in Him for the prize. He always wants us to grow in Him. Of course there are things in life that are not always God-centered, but also a part of what He has given to us. He gives…and He can take away.
I just know that going through the difficult times is part of the journey. Sometimes we go through to come out in victory. Sometimes we are removed immediately from something and are victorious. Sometimes we are victorious even if we are not taken out of the circumstance. With God we are victorious. Period.
With God, the grass is always greener on the other side of "whatever" because we can trust Him to guide, protect and comfort. Psalm 23 has several comforting verses: He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life...(verses 2,3,6). In Him these things hold true.
We are called by faith to follow Him and trust Him with whatever we are going through or wherever He wants us to go. If we knew everything that was laid out before us, where would the trust in Him be? He builds us up in our faith and trust when we don't see what's on the other side. If we take the first step to do this He will guide, restore, give goodness and mercy, and give us green pastures in which to rest.
Sometimes issues of life will draw us closer to Him, too. It's like resting in that green pasture. Praise our God that He longs for us all to do this!
If there is something of which you are in the midst, trust Him for the outcome. If you know Jesus as Lord and Savior, it's easier to trust. If you don't know Jesus, now is the time to take the opportunity to do so. It's as easy as calling on Him to make Himself known to you. If you are sincere in your request this is what you will realize: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23) His desire is for you to know Him, know His love, know His mercy, know His faithfulness in all your circumstances and know that in Him you will have victory.
1Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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