In a way I look at this blog and others' blogs on spiritual subjects similar to what God was telling the prophet Jeremiah. I'm not a prophet by any means. I write what I believe God, through His Holy Spirit, is speaking to me. I am considered a disciple of Christ and a disciple is one who follows Christ's teachings and shares these teachings with others. My blog, even though it's not always perfect, can, in God's timing, spark something in someone sometime. I would like God's Word to enter the hearts of others.
We all live or have lived in captivity in the world but the powerful Word of God, Jesus, takes us into a better life--one of freedom in Christ. We will continue to be disciplined by the Lord but this is for our own good, to cause us to become more like Christ.
We can see signs in this world that things are not as good as we used to know them. If we know the Word of God, know Christ as our Living Word and Savior, God takes us out of that captivity, a captivity many are not even aware they are in.
The land in that scripture, to me, is a type of relationship with the Lord where we are safe and secure--no matter what we might endure on earth. Whatever happens--persecution, famine, destruction, death--if we are God's children we know our future is secure in Him. Life won't be without trouble, but our Hope is Jesus Christ. A day will come when we will be taken out of this land, this world, and live and reign with Christ in the Father's Kingdom.
Jeremiah goes on to talk about "the time of Jacob's trouble." That phrase is talking about a time that has yet come. It's speaking of our future and what is known in the Bible as the Great Tribulation. It's a time when satan is allowed by God to bring more disaster than we can imagine on earth. It is his final attempt to rule the world. To think that Jeremiah was warning us about it in about 585 BC!
The enemy's stronghold on earth will be broken. We are not to fear. We need to be in right relationship with God to have this security. We who are of Christ are already saved because He is with us and will be then. Jesus will come to fight the enemy and reign on earth, and those in Christ will be part of His army to take on the devil! That could be exciting.
We must be aware of these times we are living in and also understand God's promises. Here are some of them just in Jeremiah 31: God will build and adorn us, we will go forth in dancing, sing with gladness, give praise, walk by rivers of water and a straight way without stumbling, gather and keep, redeem, ransom, turn mourning to joy, satiate our souls, be satisfied with His goodness, have hope for our future. Our Hope is Jesus Christ.
His love is always available to those who seek it. He is always reaching out and calling. Open your heart to hear and respond. Seek Him while He can be found (Isaiah 55:6). He pleads not only for a first time relationship but a return to those who have strayed. Those who respond will understand when He says: